Results for: guru


Bodhinatha in Haridwar, March 2010

On March 24th, 2010, Bodhinatha bathed in the Ganges at Haridwar and then later visited the ashram of...


Bodhinatha in Madurai

Om namasivaaya vaalga! Today we're in Madurai, a most colorful and lively city. Our morning was graced with...

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Ramachandran Speaks on the Guru Chronicles

A summary about the Guru Chronicles from Ramachandran. Under 1 min video.

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December 2011 News Video

Our December 2011 news video covers events in November, including progress on the giant Hanuman statue to be...

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Improving Our Character - Publisher's Desk

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami reads his editorial from the Jan/Feb/Mar 2012 edition of Hinduism Today magazine. Spiritual life is...

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November 2011 News Video

Our November 2011 news video covers events in October, including: two swamis' attendance at the Uberoi Foundation's 2011...

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Grace in the Guru's Presence

An Upadesha by Bodhinatha: Personal experience of God is a focus point of the Hindu Religion. Being within...

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Willpower, Realization, Liberation and Merger with Siva

An upadesha by Bodhinatha. Understanding the mind is 50% of control of the mind. In order to achieve...

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2011 Mahasamadhi Puja: Gurudeva's 10th Mahasamadhi Anniversary

The Guru's Great Departure is celebrated each year on the nakshatra of his transition. On this 10th year...