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Death and Dying

Lead me from darkness to light, from death to immortality.? This famed Vedic prayer proclaims the human urge...

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The Chakras

There are fourteen great nerve centers in the physical body, in the astral body and in the body...

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The Satguru

Everyone needs a teacher, a model to look up to and follow, a master of his art, a...

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A Creed of Monasticism

There was a time, not too long ago, when children and young men in India were taught that...

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Sacred Symbols

Symbols adorn our world at every turn, in our spiritual, social and political experience. But it is our...

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12 Beliefs of Saivism

Modern history records six main schools: Saiva Siddhanta, pashupatism, Kashmir Saivism, Vira Saivism, Siddha Siddhanta and Siva advaita....

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God, Soul & the World

Exploring the nature of the soul, God and the world. Offered here is a broad perspective that Hindus...

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Mantra Yoga

The recitation of mantras, known as japa, lies at the very heart of Hindu practice. Focusing the mind...