Results for: painting

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Siva in Moon Boat

During the 2008 Indian Odyssey Innersearch program, we stayed for five days in Kerala. We had just commissioned...

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A Vision of Siva Walking by the River

A rendition of Gurudeva's vision of Siva walking along the Wailua river, surrounded by devotees

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Gurudeva has a Vision of Siva

Gurudeva sees Siva's face in a vision, aglow with brilliant white light.

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A Vision of Siva

Gurudeva has a Vision of Siva sitting upon the lingam stones. Siva parts his hair to reveal the...

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A New Home for the Lineage at Kauai Aadheenam

This depicts Gurudevas creation of Kauai's Hindu Monastery, carrying on this great lineage of masters.

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Creating a The Crystal Temple

Gurudeva brings forth the inspiration for Siva's temple. Creating it with the help of Ganapati Staphati and the...

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Gurudeva Uncovers the Lingam Stones

After carving a straight path through jungle, and with the help of a dancing mango tree, Gurudeva uncovers...

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Gurudeva Carving San Marga

After having a vision of the lingam stones, Gurudeva hired a bulldozer and carved a straight path through...