Results for: inspiredtalk

Dealing with Distraction, Lesson 99 of Living with Siva

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami
Given On: 2012-07-20

The shumif perspective is helpful in detachment. Thoughts are stationary, move awareness to the pattern we want to...

Importance of the Saiva Agamas

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami
Given On: 2012-07-02

This talk was prepared by Bodhinatha as an address to the conference of Adi Saiva priests in Bangalore,...

Conduct, thoughts, life-cycles

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami
Given On: 2012-06-12

When we think about someone, we're sending a thought form to that person. Start with: "I need to be sending positive thoughts to others." Negative habits,...

Classical Definition of Yoga

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami
Given On: 2012-05-21

The Yoga Pada of Gurudeva related to Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. The goal is to restrain the vrittis. Awareness,...

Methods for Maintaining Inner Awareness

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami
Given On: 2012-05-14

When going into meditation have a destiny; find the spiritual energy, the power that's within the spine. Learn...

The Soul and Its Five Bodies

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami
Given On: 2012-05-08

One of the ways of understanding the soul is to understand what it is not. The faculties of...

Decisions, Discover and Use Your Intuition

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami
Given On: 2012-04-30

As a human race we don't solve problems until we have to; then we get highly motivated. Forget...

Find Your Divinity Within, Do Sadhana and Service

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami
Given On: 2012-04-26

We don't have to do anything to become God. Religion gives us an age-old, well proven structure to...

Life's Experiences Accelerate Our Evolution

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami
Given On: 2012-04-22

Most of us need interaction with other people to challenge us, to make spiritual progress. The more we...