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Tirukkural 858: Hostility

Shrinking back from hatred will yield wealth; indulging in its increase will hasten ruin.

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Tirukkural 863: The Might of Hatred

In the estimation of foes miserably weak is he, who is timid, ignorant, unsociable and niggardly

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Tirukkural 876: Knowing the Quality of Hate

Though (one's foe is) aware or not of one's misfortune one should act so as neither to join...

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Tirukkural 885: Enmity Within

If there appears internal hatred in a (king's) family; it will lead to many a fatal crime.

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Tirukkural 896: Not Offending the Great

Though burnt by a fire (from a forest), one may perhaps live; (but) never will he live who...

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Tirukkural 906: Being Led by Women

They that fear the bamboo-like shoulders of their wives will be destitute of manliness though they may flourish...

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Tirukkural 945: Moderation in Diet

There will be no disaster to one's life if one eats with moderation, food that is not disagreeable.

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Tirukkural 960: Modesty & Nobility

He who desires a good name must desire modesty; and he who desires (the continuance of) a family...

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Tirukkural 970: Honor and Indignity

The world will (always) praise and adore the fame of the honourable who would rather die than suffer...