Results for: art

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A Rishi Ponders the Evolution of the Soul

Rishi considers the paths over lifetimes that he took to arrive at his current state

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Devotees Performing Dharma and Sadhana

Devotees living their religion

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A Rakshasha is Stunned by the Fiery Power of the Lingam

A rakshasha is overwhelmed and astounded by the Sivalingam.

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Ganesha, Muruga and Siva Overshadow a Busy Temple

Temple activities invoke the presence and blessings of the Gods

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Lord Muruga Protects Devotee Who Surrenders All to Him

Surrendering devotee protected by Lord Muruga

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Women Drawing Water at Well 1

Women drawing Water at Well 1

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Women Drawing Water at Well 2

Women Drawing Water at Well 2