Results for: art

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A Women Departs Bhuloka and Reaches the Feet of Siva

Siva welcomes a soul into the Sivaloka

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The Yogas: Bhakti, Kriya, Hatha and Raja, Lead to Siva

Four devotees take four different approaches to worshipping Lord Siva, according to their unfoldment.

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Line Drawing:Lord Brahma Looks Down on Woman

Women sitting in mystical clouds

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Woman offering Morning Worship in the River

Woman offering water in a river

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Rishi offers Mangos from the Tree to a Poor Beggar

poor man dressed in rags touching a Master, who offers fruit from the tree.

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6 Scenarios; Life's Various Activities

6 Scenarios; Planets, Women walking down river, Man working on desk

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Two Women Greet with Anjali Mudra

Greeting with anjali mudra

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Man and Wife with offerings Prepare for Temple Worship

man and women outside temple with offerings in hand