Read Me File for Tyeif Prayers Font

The easiest way to compose your prayer on a computer is to type in an English font, such as Geneva, and then select the text and change it to Tyeif Prayers. Remember to use only lowercase letters and to punctuate only with commas, periods or colons. Do not use capitals, and be sure to turn off automatic hyphenation. It is easiest for the devas to read your prayer if you use at least 24-point size type.

To install the font, drag the Tyeif Prayers.bmap and TyeifPra files to the Fonts folder in your System Folder. (on the Mac) You may also load the font with a font management program such as Adobe Type Manager (ATM) or Suitcase. Windows users unZip the font file and install in the normal way. We do not offer support for these fonts on the windows system, so good luck.

Thank you for using the Tyeif Prayers font.

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