Śaivite Hindu Religion, Book Three for Children Ages 7 to 9

Table of Contents

Author’s Introduction
1 How Lord Ganesha Helps You
2 Lord Ganesha’s Mantra, “Aum Gam Ganapataye Namah”
3 The Nature of Your Soul
4 Choosing to Be a Good Person
5 Lord Murugan and the Slow Breath
6 The Religions of the World
7 The Importance of School
8 Gurudeva, Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
9 The Blessing of the Satguru
10 The Devas Who Help You
11 Hindu Devotional Music
12 Ahimsa, Nonviolence
13 Value of Arts and Crafts
14 God Siva, Creator of Your Soul
15 Karma, Lord Siva’s Divine Law
16 How to Start the Day Right
17 Getting Along with Brothers and Sisters
18 The Five Traditional Hindu Musical Instruments
19 Helping People and Animals and Caring for the Environment
20 Living a Clean and Healthy Life
21 Why We Offer Coconuts
22 Why We Walk Around the Temple
23 How to Pray to the Gods and Devas
24 Hinduism Around the World
25 Bringing a Gift to the Temple or Holy Person
26 The Four Sacred Ceremonies of Childhood
27 The Temple Priests and the Swamis of Hinduism
28 Understanding Your Personal Dharma or Destiny
29 How to Chant the Sacred “Aum”
30 Doing a Simple Meditation
31 Sivathondu, Service to God
32 The Meaning and Use of Vibhuti, Holy Ash
33 Reincarnation and Your Perfect Soul
34 Vedas and Agamas, Our Holy Scriptures
35 The Important Symbols of Hinduism