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One Energy Pervades All

Today's theme is hospitality. Gurudeva talks about treating the guest as God and how God is inside of the guest.We are told about the One Energy which pervades the whole universe. Gurudeva describes how we are all one family living on this Earth. Contrasted are those who have closed hearts.

Unedited Transcript:

Today at Kauai Aadheenam, it is September 26. We have had a wonderful day. We have had several groups of guests today. They are so devoted. They feel the peace of Kauai Aadheenam.

Why is there peace here at Kauai Aadheenam? Because, every misunderstanding, which rarely comes up anymore, is settled before bedtime. If any conflict of a negative nature arises, all religious service stops. Religious service cannot be done if there is misunderstanding or conflict among the group that is performing religious service.

Well, today we received a letter from the Governor of the State of Hawaii, giving a beautiful endorsement for Iraivan Temple. The entire community is behind this San Marga project. We are very grateful.

Art arrived from the great artist Manivelu in Chennai, showing Lord Hanuman carrying Iraivan Temple on His hand, from India to the Garden Island of Kauai and placing It gently down on the foundation.

We received a very nice report from pilgrims that we sent on a mission to India. Paramacharya Bodhinatha, Yogi Tapodana, Markandeya Sendan and a new monk, Nilakanta Velan. They are in Bangalore now, and overwhelmed with the immense pillars that are being created there. They had no idea of the magnificance. The silpis, professional stone-carvers, commend us for allowing them enough time to perform their art, without rushing them in any way.

Well, I am seeing you and you are seeing me. Here we are. Everyday we have a theme of what we teach. The theme of today is 'Hospitality'. Loving each other enough to treat the guests as God and not an intruder. Often times, in modern society, especially when Mom and Dad are both working, the guests seem to be the intruder. To treat the guest as God is posturing and that posturing has the feeling of being unreal. We must relax with our guests. We must love our guests, for God is inside of them.

Now, how is God inside of a guest? Have any of you wondered about that? God is inside of a guest because all the energy within the body of a guest is coming from God. Just like all the energy in the body of you, is coming directly from God. That is why we can say, "One God, One World." It is people that make up the world that we know of today. But that One energy, flowing through all people and all animals and all fishes and all birds and all kinds of microscopic creatures, is coming from God. It is One energy which pervades the whole universe. One God, One World. The guest is God.

We want to encourage friendliness. We want to encourage hospitality. We want to encourage us to open our hearts to those we know. When they are well, show appreciation. When they are ill, show that you are interested in them, and that you care. Don't turn away. Turning away is not what we should do. We are a one family, living on this planet.

We are one family, living on this planet. All religions are good because they were started with good intentions. The only problem with all the religions of the world - and they do have problems, Hinduism included - is the people within the religion. The people with the closed hearts, the people that are not generous, not caring. The people that flare up in anger over little things, the people that are jealous. They are not really in their religion. They are sort of hanging on to the religion as a lifeline and those of you, who are not angry, those of you who do not experience jealousy, those of you who are generous, and those of you who are hospitable have to pull that lifeline in.You have to help them out of their despair, out of their misery. That is your duty, because your energy is within them and their energy is within you and it is all coming from God.

Tomorrow I'll be seeing you

in all our familiar places

that this heart of ours embraces

in our hi-tech ways

on our internet highways

we'll be together in cyberspace

in every lovely summer's day

I'll always think of you

and be there

right by your side.

That's magical, isn't it? That magic is religion.