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Bear Cheerfully and Happily

Gurudeva talks about Siva's day, Monday, family home evening Gurudeva tells us about our face, karma, living life joyously. Gurudeva gives information to us about the astral plane, the akasha and mentions the eclipse and its effects.

Unedited Transcript:

Today at Kauai Aadheenam! Welcome everyone. September 7, it is a Monday. We sit together on this day, it is Siva's day. All of our extended families, that I am the spiritual guide for, gather together, sharing with each other, loving each other, caring for each other, being grateful for each other, appreciating each other. It is a Monday.

On our calendar, the Panchangam, it is Sun One. You can access our calendar through the Internet. We have a homa, each Sun one. This is a beautiful fire-ceremony, where the mathavasi Swamis chant Sri Rudram. Our priest performs the Vedic puja for the foundation of Iraivan Temple, for bringing over the stones for Iraivan Temple, placing them carefully one on top of another, to last for a thousand years.

Also, there is a bit of news for you. Jyothi Palani will become a supplicant of our monastic community. His new name will be Jivananda, a beautiful name for a beautiful soul. Another supplicant will be taking his vows. His name is Nilakantha, also a beautiful name. Japendranatha Sadhaka, will be receiving his silver ring. It is going to be a wonderful day.

Bodhinathaswami, Nilakantha and Brahmachari Markandeya will be leaving for Malaysia, Singapore and India. Back to Malaysia and back to Kauai Aadheenam. But, Bodhinatha and Nilakantha will be going on to Mauritius for 2 weeks and then back to the United States. So, we are empowering them to send them off, as we are empowering you to send you off for a wonderful day.

You are a very special person. Look in the mirror. You will see a face. You will see the marks of your birth karmas upon your face. Maybe they are happy, maybe they are sad. You have lived through much in this life. You must bear your karmas cheerfully. That means, accept your karma, carry it cheerfully. Don't resent those who reflect your karma back to you. Don't fight life. Life is meant to be lived joyously. That means, be happy all through life. That is a directive that is very difficult to do, to be happy all through life. But, you can do it. I have faith in you. I have your darshan, through cyberspace, which I look through. I call it the astral plane, the plane within the material world, that is within the mind, the akasa. I am seeing you. You are seeing me. We are loving each other. We are together. I support you, protect you. You are a very special person, because you tuned in today, into Kauai Aadheenam, for darshan.

Larry Payne, a very prominent Hatha Yoga teacher in Southern California, is bringing a group to Kauai Aadheenam, 40 or more, Hatha Yoga students, that are having a seminar here, on the island of Kauai. Every year, he comes about this time, with his students. But this year, for the first time, we are giving him a demonstration of Hatha Yoga, also. by Yogi Kartikkeyanathaswami, an expert in Hatha Yoga, is the Hatha Yoga trainer of all of our young mathavasi monks and task-forcers.

Then, we are also introducing Lemurian Scrolls, our new book, to the entire group. I am giving them a good talk in the morning, emphasizing their dedication on the spiritual path, emphasizing stepping forward and stepping out of their norms into a bigger and better life, emphasizing the Vasana Daha Tantra cleaning up the past. Writing down everything they have on their mind, in the deep subconscious, burning it, releasing the emotion from the impressions within the subconscious mind. A mystical practice, very easy to perform.

They will be visiting the beautiful stones that have arrived here on Kauai Aadheenam, Iraivan Temple. Their presence is welcome. Big day for them.

Also, the day-after is an eclipse. A very intense time here, because we are all very sensitive to the movement of the planets and stars, the moon and the earth, all in association. We feel we are in tune with the Universe, in tune with nature. That is why, everyone feels the peace of Kauai Aadheenam.

Photo of  Gurudeva
What do we mean when we say there is no good and no bad, only experience? We mean that in the highest sense, there is no good and bad karma; there is self-created experience that presents opportunities for spiritual advancement.