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Foremost Goal God Realization

All seekers of truth shall strive for God Realization as the first and foremost goal of life. Gurudeva describes why we are here on this planet in a physical body. Gurudeva explains how we are one with Siva right now. The energy of our body comes from Siva.

Unedited Transcript:

This is the message this morning. Sutra 1.

"All seekers of truth shall strive for God-realization, as their first and foremost goal of life. They learn to dance with Siva, live with Siva, merge with Siva. People then may find their eternal, immortal oneness with Siva."

Isn't that wonderful? That was really a wonderful message. That is why you are here in the physical body, that is why you are here in this room today. Just to hear that.

"All seekers of truth". That is all of you.

"shall strive for God Realization". Shall means you have to do it, you dont have a choice.

"as their first and foremost goal of life". First and foremost goal of life, surpassing your business, surpassing your education, first and foremost goal of life.

"They learn to dance with Siva, live with Siva, merge with Siva. People then may find their eternal, immortal oneness with Siva." You are one with Siva right now. Siva is within you and you within Sivaness. The energy in your body, comes from Siva, same as in my body and everybody-here's body.

Photo of  Gurudeva
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