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Innerversity - Knowledge From Within


Innerversity: Learning from within through yoga, concentration and meditation. The state of consciousness we achieve in meditation needs to influence us in our daily activities. "The only real, permanent education is your unfoldment into the building of the intuitive mind through the control of the intellect." Gurudeva

Master Course Trilogy Merging with Siva.

Unedited Transcript:

Good morning everyone.

This morning we're continuing with the idea of utilizing your intuition and we're looking at a word coined by Gurudeva, 'innerversity.'

So, our lexicon says:

"Innerversity: Leaning from within. A word coined by Sivaya Subramuniyaswami which indicates turning inward, through yoga, concentration and meditation, to the vast superconscious state of mind; whence knowledge can be unfolded."

And I have some statements from Merging with Siva, Verse 53:

"There also comes the ability to work out quickly in meditation experiences of the external mind or worldly happenings through finding their 'innerversity' aspects rather than being drawn out into the swirl of them. In doing so, the cause-and-effect karmic experiential patterns of the aspirant's life that tend to lower his consciousness into congested areas of the mind will clear up as, more and more, the actinic flow of superconsciousness is maintained as the bursts of clear white light become frequent."

This is a very important process, in other words, quite often someone who's involved in meditation, for the first few years of meditation, meditation is a separate practice. In fact I was talking to a devotee on e-mail recently about meditation, he was explaining this idea to me almost just as it's explained here, he was saying:

"You know when I started your meditation practices I wondered why you didn't meditate for longer hours. That was my concept of meditation. Meditation shouldn't just be for a half an hour or an hour; it should be for a long period of time."

Then he said: "But now I realize that I have to take my meditation into my activities, that that's also part of the practice."

So it's like a coin with two sides. Meditation practice doesn't stand by itself; the state of consciousness we achieve in meditation needs to influence how we handle the experience as it comes to us in our daily activities. And this is suggesting:

"...In doing so, the cause-and-effect karmic experiential patterns of the aspirant's life that tend to lower his consciousness into congested areas of the mind will clear up as, more and more, the actinic flow of superconsciousness is maintained..."

So that's the other half of the practice. We need to maintain the actinic flow of superconsciousness, more and more.

Merging with Siva, Verse 94, see what it has to offer:

"Each experience is a classroom. When the subconscious mind has been fully reconciled to everything that has happened, when you have fully realized that everything you have gone through is nothing more and nothing less than an experience, and that each experience is really a classroom, you will receive from yourself your innerversity personal evaluation report and it will be covered with the highest grades, denoting excellent cognition."

(So "E" for excellent cognition.)

"Each of these higher grades is important, for when you put them together they will unfold a consciousness of understanding, making you eligible for your graduation certificate of visually seeing the clear white light within your head while sitting in a darkened room. Yet, if you have failed a class, or several classes, not only will the marks show, but it will also take you longer to graduate..."

So, that's a very interesting point there. If you have failed a class, how can you fail a class in the experiences of life? Well you failed to understand it. You failed to accept it. Failed to draw the knowledge that you need to draw from it out of it. So, that's the failure. Not that the experience was wrong, it's that you haven't fully accepted it and understood it. So that causes what Gurudeva's calling as failure. Explains specifically:

"... If you haven't taken from each experience its sum of understanding, subconsciously you remain in the classroom reacting to the lesson you are learning, even though the experience may have occurred fifteen or twenty years ago. "

So, that's pointing out 'the sum of understanding.' Everything we need to learn from that experience: 'the sum of understanding.' How do we know if we haven't taken the sum of understanding from an experience? Very good question. We think about it regularly even though it happened a long time ago. That's how we know there's something in it that we haven't fully understood. Otherwise we wouldn't think about it more than anything else from that time in our past. But if something stands out and we think about it regularly, then there's something in it we need to understand.

Merging with Siva, Lesson 203:

"The greatest thing that a devotee must learn is that all knowing is within oneself. Therefore, go to your innerversity, your great subsuperconscious school, and bring forth knowledge. In order to do this, be confident within yourself. In order to be confident within yourself, have no fear. In order to have no fear, say to yourself, 'I am all right, right now.' This will quickly bring you into the consciousness of the eternity of the moment. You will feel actinic force permeating, or more life permeating, your body, which is your subconscious, and your subsuperconscious state of mind will be active. That is, go ahead in full confidence that you are the knower of all that is known."

In order to have this attitude, all knowing is within one's self, we need some humility in order for it to work right. We can't think that our intellect is what has all the knowing. We have to realize that it is the superconscious that everyone has. So our ability to know and what we can know is the same as everybody else is. We're not better at it per se. It's our inner subsuperconscious that's going to give us this knowing which is equal to the knowing that anyone else can have as well.

Okay, Merging with Siva, Lesson 222:

"Neither overrate nor underrate the intellect, for it fills several important functions in life, the great experience. But remember, the intellect is not the totality of man, it is only, figuratively speaking, the fifth aspect. The intellect is not the full mind, it is only one part, about one-tenth of the mind. The subconscious and the superconscious make up the other nine-tenths.

"Opinionated knowledge is a faculty of memory. We study, we listen, we hear and we quote the opinions of others. Opinionated knowledge is stored up in the memory gridwork of the subconscious mind. This provides security, or a platform, for the intellect, making it strong, developing an ego. Therefore, intellect is our ego. The ego separates people from people, nations from nations and the soul from realization of the Self.

"'Your real education is the innerversity.'" Perhaps you have been thinking that this statement is anti-intellectual, against education. Let's examine the real meaning, function and purpose of education. Education is not worn. It does not stick to you. It is not your collection of someone else's opinions. Through education, you stimulate your intellect. Education is that which you bring out from within yourself as a result of your personal interest in the fulfillment of your birth karmas, or prarabdha karmas. Education means exposure to new ideas and old opinions, giving you the tools to explore your own opinions freely, make decisions, research and review them and advance your understanding of God, soul and world. This is education. It is not static. It is as fluid as a river. Or it should be. You have the choice, the ability, to remold your intellect any way you want. The great truths of life are a part of your being. They are within you. They unfold to you slowly as you evolve your comprehension of them. Yet, they are always there within you, waiting to be realized..."

(Then Gurudeva summarizes all that in one sentence here.)

"...The only real, permanent education is your unfoldment into the building of the intuitive mind through the control of the intellect.

"Since the intellect is made fundamentally of thoughts which are ever creating, preserving and destroying themselves, the control of thoughts builds the seventh aspect of man, the intuitive mind, or actinodic causal sheath, known in Sanskrit as vijnanamaya kosha. Intuition, knowing, awareness and understanding--these are products not of the intellect, but of the intuitive mind. The dedicated student who has applied himself seriously leaves college not with a 'know it all' feeling but with an awareness of the limits of the intellect, and profound respect for the vast amount of knowledge that he has yet to discover or unfold. Conceit is a sure sign of insecurity; humility denotes awareness."

Thank you very much. Have a wonderful day.

Photo of  Gurudeva
Gratitude and appreciation are the key virtues for a better life. They are the spell that is cast to dissolve hatred, hurt and sadness, the medicine which heals subjective states of mind, restoring self-respect, confidence and security.