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The Five States of Mind

Subtopic: Five states of mind: Conscious, subconscious, sub-subconscious, sub-superconscious, superconscious: 0:1:57Subtopic: Analogy for sub of the subconscious mind. : 0:4:56 Subtopic: Children intuition and subconscious. Become child-like. : 0:8:44

Unedited Transcript:

So now that the mind is totally clear, the three phases of the mind, we have the five states of mind. Oh no!

Sounds confusing. Well, it is if you don't have the difference between a phase and a state clear. So, that's basically what we're trying to pin down in Gurudeva's terminology:

A phase of the mind is how the mind functions. Instinctively, intellectually intuitive. State of mind is a part of the mind. So, imagine a big house. There's a living room, dining room, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, TV room. All the different rooms of the house are like different states of mind. It's a one house, a one mind but you can divide it up into parts, different parts of it."

The conscious mind, that's what we're in right now, looking out. The subconscious mind is the memory of course. We all, subconscious mind is a very common word. Subconscious mind is when we're awake. That's why it's called wakeful consciousness. Subconscious mind is our memory.

Superconscious mind, we've talked about. Being our intuition. Sub subconscious we'll come back to it. Just a portion of the subconscious.

And then, sub-superconscious is what we talked about when we talked about time delayed intuition. Called sub-subconscious.

Subtopic: Five states of mind: Conscious, subconscious, sub-subconscious, sub-superconscious, superconscious: 0:1:57

Here's our exercise.

So, Gurudeva explains this process. Generalizes about we gave two examples of time-delayed intuitions. And the first time was before you go to sleep, writing down the problem. The other one was, and you can't solve something of a nature of calculation or external problems, financial problems, scientific problems. After half an hour you go away and come back and the answer can be self-evident.

Gurudeva describes this:

"There are time when you very much want to find a clear answer from within yourself, however, being aware in the conscious mind predominantly awareness is cut off from direct contact from the superconscious. So you begin to ask questions of yourself. These questions are registered in the subconscious. The subconscious, like a well programed computer, begins to search for the right answer from the superconscious mind. Then all of a sudden you know the answer from the inside out."

So, that's what we were talking about. Just like a computer, it takes time looking for the answer. It's very persistent.

Further analogies. This is surveillance camera say in a Walmart Store. Surveillance camera turned on sees everything that happens in the store, right? So, that's obviously the conscious mind. It's seeing everything that's happening at this moment. The information is recorded on tape and placed in a storeroom. Well that's the memory, that's the subconscious mind. So, that's stored. Most tapes are uneventful, however, some record significant events both positive and negative. Positive event example is visits of important people to the store. So, they're all put in one place. Negative event is a robbery; they're all put in another place. So, you're storing events of the same nature next to one another. So, when you do that in the mind, and those events have a similar emotional component, positive or negative, they blend. Cause they're next to one another. There's yellow, blue, becomes green. They change one another. So, Gurudeva calls that the sub-subconscious mind or sub of the subconscious mind. So similar events, grouped together, form a third type of event distinct from ungrouped events.

Subtopic: Analogy for sub of the subconscious mind. : 0:4:56

So the positive example that he gives in "Merging With Siva" is: Person goes into the ski business and succeeds in the winter. Then he goes into the swimming suit business and succeeds in the summer. So, somehow, after that he's always able to succeed year around. Other people can't do that. Because he had two successes in two different seasons and they merged together and made him season proof. His subconscious mind would be successful no matter what season it was. That's the example.

And the negative example is becoming shy. So you, you're at one party and you spill a beverage on someone. You're at another party and you drop a bunch of plates. Guess what? You never want to go to parties again. Somehow, you know, invitation to a party, you end up: I have this upset stomach, you know. The two events combined and made you party shy in a permanent way. So, you can see the negative ones can be a problem. And in "Merging With Siva" it teaches you how to find the negative ones and get rid of them which is a very subtle practice. But for now we're just trying to have a sense of what in the world does sub-subconscious mean. So, it's two different events merging because they have the common emotional component. So they get stored next to one another, so to speak, and then blend.

Second analogy: Attorney at his desk. Conscious mind, okay? Behind him are his case files. Subconscious mind, right? Behind the files are his law library books. They represent the superconscious mind. So, if he stacks his files in no particular way eventually he can't get to his law books, right? What he's done, all the cases he's managed have not been filed in an orderly way and so he blocks his access to knowledge or his superconscious. So, likewise in our own life, we have a lot of chaotic experiences that go into our mind and we haven't' sorted them out or understood them, it ends up blocking our intuition. So, for example, you can find out a lot about the mind by walking with young children. Those of you who are parents with young children or recently with young children have a better idea of age than I do, but, up until a certain age, the child doesn't have a subconscious. You know. Actually sees what's around him or her. You know, the things you don't see cause you're busy worrying about something, concerned about this, the child see everything.

He says: "Look at that."

You say: "Oh, I didn't see that."

Subtopic: Children intuition and subconscious. Become child-like. : 0:8:44

Likewise that child might have an intuition and surprise you. Why would the child have an intuition? Because again, the subconscious mind isn't burdened with unresolved experiences. So, we can become child-like again ourselves. That's the point is if we just systematically unburden the subconscious mind, we don't have to try and be young to clear out the mind and keep it clear. And that's Gurudeva's idea. In modern terminology that's called journaling, writing things down and burning them up. And Gurudeva's terminology it's called Vasana Daha Tantra. Burning up the vasanas, the sub-subconscious mind areas.

Okay, so that's roughly our time. I think we've covered it adequately. Now we're ready for the test? No test.

Aum saha na vavatu, saha nau bhunaktu,

Photo of  Gurudeva
Peace is the natural state of the mind. It is there, inside, to be discovered in meditation, maintained through self-control, and then radiated out to others.