Yoga’s Forgotten Foundation


Vishayasūchī विषयसूची


Author’s Introduction—Granthakāra Bhūmikā

1. The First Restraint, Noninjury

2. The Second Restraint, Truthfulness

3. The Third Restraint, Nonstealing

4. The Fourth Restraint, Sexual Purity

5. The Fifth Restraint, Patience

6. The Sixth Restraint, Steadfastness

7. The Seventh Restraint, Compassion

8. The Eighth Restraint, Honesty

9. The Ninth Restraint, Moderate Diet

10. The Tenth Restraint, Purity

11. The First Observance, Remorse and Modesty

12. The Second Observance, Contentment

13. The Third Observance, Giving

14. The Fourth Observance, Faith

15. The Fifth Observance, Worship

16. The Sixth Observance, Scriptural Study

17. The Seventh Observance, Cognition

18. The Eighth Observance, Sacred Vows

19. The Ninth Observance, Recitation

20. The Tenth Observance, Austerity and Sacrifice


Glossary—Śabda Kośa

Sanskrit Pronunciation—Ucchāraam Saskita



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