சிவனை அடையும் வழி



Free Resource Materials§


Today at Kauai Aadheenam, TAKA, is our monastery’s daily chronicle of activities in words, pictures, sounds and videos. If you want to follow our temple progress, see who’s visiting or just check in on what’s happening, go to: www.gurudeva.org/taka/.§


Browse through our audio library of over 800 talks given by Gurudeva and Bodhinatha. Listen to talks on family, personal transformation, yoga, spiritual practices, relationships and more. Go to: www.himalayanacademy.com/audio/talks. For our small video library, go to: www.himalayanacademy.com/resources/video/. For our Podcasts, go to: www.himalayanacademy.com/audio/podcasts/.§


On our publication resource page, you will find Gurudeva’s legacy of spiritual teachings, 3,000 pages of the Master Course trilogy, three decades of our international magazine, children’s courses, the Vedas and more. Go to: www.himalayanacademy.com/resources/. All of our publications are available there, to read or download for free. The following might be of particular interest: 14 Questions, My Friend Lord Ganesha, Home Puja, Hatha Yoga, Four Facts, Nine Beliefs, Four Denominations, What Is Hinduism?, History of Hindu India, Ten Tales (I & II), Growing Up Hindu, Life Skills for Hindu Teens, Character Building Workbook.§


The following free e-mail resources are available at: www.himalayanacademy.com/email-news/.§


image The Master Course Daily Lesson§

image Inspiring Daily Verses from the Vedas, mankind’s most ancient scripture§

image Verses from the Tirukural, one of Hinduism’s greatest ethical scriptures§


image Hindu Press International, a daily news summary for journalists, educators, researchers, writers, religious leaders and interested Hindus worldwide§


image Kauai’s Hindu Monastery Monthly Newsletter§

image Hindu Heritage Endowment News§
