Living with Śiva

Set Two

Visualize marigold orange for pure, selfless service.§

image 4. From the last pose of set one straighten the left leg, lean forward and grasp the left foot with the thumb and index fingers of both hands. This is the jānu śīrshāsana, जानुशीर्षासन, head-to-knee pose. Relax into the position, letting the head drop lower and lower. In full flexibility the head rests on the knee, elbows lower to the floor, and the torso rests on the leg.§

image 5. Perform the same pose on the right side. Do not strain; rather relax into the pose, letting all anxieties depart. Remain conscious of your breath and mentally surround yourself with the color orange. Be perfectly at ease, one with Śiva’s perfect universe.§

image 6. Extend both legs into the forward bend, paśchimottānāsana, पश्चिमोत्तानासन. Grasp the toes with the thumb and index fingers and let the head gently lower to the knees. In the ideal pose, the legs are straight and elbows will lower to the floor.§