Living with Śiva

Set One

Visualize deep, ruby red for physical vitality.§

image 1. Bend the right leg back around the thigh and tuck the right foot along the contour of the buttocks. Bring the left leg in front of the torso, tucking it close to the groin. Hands are on the knees, in the ākāśa mudra, palms up, thumb and index fingers touching. Keep the spine, the powerhouse of the body, straight and the head erect and balanced at the top of the spine.§

image 2. Assume the same posture as in āsana one, but with the leg positions reversed. Remember to keep the spine erect and the head balanced atop the spine. Become aware of the breath, equalized as nine counts in, holding one count, and nine counts out. Flood your mind and body with ruby red throughout this set. Do not strain; try to relax into the pose, letting go of all anxieties.§

image 3. Tuck the right leg into the groin area, then place the left leg in front of it. This is a variation of the accomplished pose, siddhāsana, सिद्धासन. If possible, keep both legs resting fully on the floor. Try to sense the energy of the inner and outer nerve system building up to a high point as you sustain each pose. When this peak is felt, gracefully shift during the out-breath to the next āsana.§