Living with Śiva

Set Three

Visualize sun-glow yellow for purified intellect.§

image 7. Lying face-up on the floor, raise the legs and—with the hands in the mid-back region to support the body—raise the torso until the entire body is vertical over the shoulders. This is the shoulder stand, sarvāṅgāsana, सर्वाङ्गासन. Keep the spine straight, feet together, torso perpendicular to the floor. Visualize yellow. ¶As you perform the haṭha yoga āsanas, put out of your mind all thoughts relating to your work, family, friends, associates, problems and challenges that normally concern you. Relax. Relax. Relax. Be completely at peace with yourself and fully enjoy this contemplative art.§

image 8. Lower the legs slowly over the head until the toes touch the floor. Then lower the arms, palms down. This is the plough pose, halāsana, हलासन.§

image 9. End the set with the corpse pose, śarvāsana, शर्वासन, by lowering the legs to the floor in front of you. Let the hands rest loosely by the sides, palms down. Every muscle is relaxed. Imagine you are floating in the ocean, without a worry in the world.§