Health & Healing


Health and Healing Topics
From the Medical Column of Dr. Devananda Tandavan
As Published in the International Magazine, Hinduism Today

Dis-Ease: Origin and Treatment [June 88]

Successful Weight Loss: Part 1 [Sep. 88]

Successful Weight Loss: Part 2 [Oct. 88]

Successful Weight Loss: Part 3 [Nov. 88]

Vegetarianism: The B-12 Question [Dec. 88]

Cholesterol--The Villain? [Jan. 89]

Routine Circumcision is Unnecessary [Feb. 89]

True Villain--Free Radicals [Mar. 89]

Fat--How Much and What? [Apr. 89]

Milk--The Perfect Food? [May 89]

Baldness--Treating or Coping [June 89]

Vegetarian Babies Are Healthy! [July 89]

Proper Care for Your Teeth [Aug. 89]

Medical Options: Homeopathy [Sep. 89]

Some Homeopathic Alternatives [Oct. 89]

Biochemic Cell Salt Remedies [Nov. 89]

Cigarette Smoking Can Kill You [Dec. 89]

How Food Labels Can Deceive [Jan. 90]

How to Keep Your Nose Clean [Feb. 90]

Healing Emotions with Flowers [Mar. 90]

Hazards in Today’s Indian Diet [Apr. 90]

Reducing High Blood Pressure [May 90]

Natural Control of Hypertension [June 90]

Breath Control to Beat Stress [July 90]

Physical Results of Stress [Aug. 90]

“Energy Medicine” and Prana [Sep. 90]

Stop Harming Your Children!!! [Oct. 90]

Vegetarian Pregnancy [Nov. 90]

Vegetarian Baby and Child [Dec. 90]

Health Through Ayurveda: Part 1 [Jan. 91]

Ayurveda Part 2: Vata Dosha [Feb. 91]

Ayurveda Part 3: Pitta Dosha [Mar. 91]

Ayurveda Part 4: Kapha Dosha [May 91]

Dangers of Food Irradiation [June 91]

Summer Ayurvedic Pitta Diet [July 91]

Care for Yourself by Yourself [Aug. 91]

Don’t Live with Unhappiness [Sep. 91]

Taking Good Care of Our Eyes [Oct. 91]

Adjusting to the Fall Season [Nov. 91]

The Importance of Skin Care [Dec. 91]

Adjusting to Winter [Jan. 92]

Soda Pop--Poison by the Can [Feb. 92]

Wrist Problems and Computers [Mar. 92]

Milk Doesn’t Do a Body Good [Apr. 92]

Milk Substitutes [May 92]

Milk Curds and Whey [June 92]

Salt, the Hidden Killer [July 92]

Coping with Pollution [Aug. 92]

Avoiding Vitamin B-12 Deficiency [Sep. 92]

For Happy Digesting: Part 1 [Oct. 92]

For Happy Digesting: Part 2 [Nov. 92]

MSG--A Hidden Hazard [Dec. 92]

Scrutinizing Sugar [Jan. 93]

Sugar: No Good for You [Feb. 93]

Don’t Bribe Children with Sugar [Mar. 93]

Dangers of Sugar Substitutes [Apr. 93]

The Science of Taste: Part 1 [May 93]

The Science of Taste: Part 2 [June 93]

The Science of Taste: Part 3 [July 93]

Doctors and Abortion [Aug. 93]

AIDS--A Man-Made Disease?: Part 1 [Sep. 93]

AIDS--Easily Transmitted: Part 2 [Oct. 93]

AIDS--No Possible Vaccine?: Part 3 [Nov. 93]

AIDS--Awareness is Prevention: Part 4 [Dec. 93]

AIDS--Develop Healthful Habits: Part 5 [Jan. 94]

AIDS--Avoiding Contact: Part 6 [Feb. 94]

A Traveler’s Simple First Aid Kit [Apr. 94]

Staying Healthy While Traveling [May 94]

Genes--A Double-Edged Sword [June 94]

Constipation, Source of Toxins [July 94]

Chronic Constipation [Aug. 94]

Conquering Constipation [Sep. 94]

It’s a Girl! Thanks to Dad [Oct. 94]

The Nicotine Fit: Fit for No One [Nov. 94]

Smoking: Sources of Addiction [Jan. 95]

Smoking: Quit “Cold Turkey” [Feb. 95]

Smoking: The Fancy of the “Civil” Cigar [Mar. 95]

Tobacco [Apr. 95]

Smokeless Tobacco’s Bane [May 95]

Second-Hand Smoke: How Safe? [June 95]

Computer Stress Syndrome: Part 1 [July 95]

Computer Stress Syndrome: Part 2 [Aug. 95]

Reducing Computer Eye Strain: Part 3 [Sep. 95]

Keeping Fit at the Computer [Oct. 95]

The End of Computer Stress [Nov. 95]

A Contended Cow’s Milk: Part 1 [Dec. 95]

A Contended Cow’s Milk: Part 2 [Jan. 96]

Antibiotic Insensitivity, Part 1 [Feb. 96]

Antibiotic Insensitivity, Part 2 [Apr. 96]

Antibiotic Insensitivity, Part 3 [May. 96]

How Wine Can Help the Heart [June 96]

Mad Cow Disease and CJD [July 96]

Menopause and Women: Part 1 [Aug./Sept./Nov. 96]

Mitigating Menopause [Dec. 96]

Hospital Hopes And Hazards [Jan. 97]

Antidotes For Andropause [Feb. 97]

DHEA: Menace or Miracle [Mar. 97]

A Toxic Monster In Your Mouth [Apr. 97]

Coming of Age, From Lass to Lady [May. 97]

Boys Will Be Boys, But Not for Long [June 97]

Ayurvedic Principles For Pubescence [July 97]

Ways to Soothe That Heartburn [Aug. 97]

Stevia Rebaudiana: How Sweet It Is! [Sept. 97]

Cures For BHP, the Older Man’s “Curse” [Oct. 97]

BSE: The Ruminant Empire Strikes Back [Nov. 97]

Better Ways to Help an Overactive Child [Dec. 97]