Health & Healing

Vegetarian Babies Are Healthy!


Dear Dr. Tandavan: I have a grandson aged eight months. He is quite healthy and whenever I start arati to Bhagwan he comes to me and loves to look at the Gods. The doctor told his mother that the baby is underweight because she is not giving him sufficient protein. The doctor advised my daughter-in-law to give eggs, chicken and beef to the child so that he retains proper weight. I am against eggs and meat, but my daughter-in-law does not believe me and says that she will give the food which the doctor has recommended. I want to know how I should impress that the child will be better if no meat is given at all? Also, are there any substitutes to give proper proteins to children of this age? It is very difficult to solve your problem because you have a non-vegetarian mother who has a non-vegetarian physician. It is not an uncommon problem for the Indian Hindus that live here in America. It is certain that the physician does not understand the problem, and he probably does not have sufficient knowledge of vegetarianism in order to know that it is not at all necessary for anyone to eat animals. It is a known fact that our bodies cannot tell whether the protein we ingest comes from plant or animal sources, for the amino acids are identical. It is also a known fact that the animal products are highly contaminated with antibiotics, industrial chemicals and other toxins that we absorb into our bodies when meat is eaten. Although there is some contamination of fruits and vegetables, it is not nearly as much as that in meat. There have been numerous studies that show that a strictly vegetarian diet is actually healthier for infants and children. Three studies come to mind: Herbert, J.R., “Relationship of Vegetarianism to Child Growth in South India,” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 42: 1246-54, 1985; Andrews, et al, “Nutritional Status of Vegetarian Children,” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 35: 204-16, 1982; and Sanders, “Anthropomorphic and Dietary Assessment of Nutritional Status of Vegan Preschool Children,” Human Nutrition 35: 349-57, 1981. I am sure that your library could obtain these for you if you desire. I would recommend the following books to your daughter-in-law to convince her of the advisability of a vegetarian diet: Diet for a New America by John Robbins; Diet for a Small Planet by F.M. Lappe; Transition to Vegetarianism by Dr. Ballantine, Himalayan Institute; Vegetarian Baby by S. Ynetma and Vegetarian Children, also by S.Yntema It is no longer considered healthy to eat as much protein as most of the people in the West do eat. In fact, it has been shown that the excess protein, especially taken by meat eaters, is contributing to the marked increase in osteoporosis of mature females, some evidence of a link with cancer and certainly it does overload the kidneys. I do not believe that there is any need for “manufactured” protein supplements to be given to children. Although there are a great many such products on the market, they may be very hazardous to one’s health, as many foolish dieters have found out. The healthiest protein source for the infant is mother’s milk and, as the child is weaned, the protein sources should be fruit, vegetables and dairy products. Animal proteins other than dairy products are to be eliminated because of their great contamination. You imply that you do not mind chicken; however you may not know that chicken is full of hormones greatly detrimental to health, especially in children. Even if I were not a practicing Hindu, I would not eat meat of any kind because of the bad effect that it would have on my health. It is truly unwise for the immigrant Indian Hindus living here in America to accept the worst that our culture has to offer. Even the Surgeon General of the US is telling us that we eat too much meat, fat and sugar. I certainly wish you well in your problem, and if I can be of any further assistance, please, contact the paper. §

Proper Care for Your Teeth


Dental problems seem to be more common with the diet and nutritional levels of today’s urban populations. These dental problems begin with plaque, a colorless (sometimes yellowish) film that covers the teeth. It comes from the interaction of saliva and food and contains many bacteria which feed upon fermenting carbohydrates. As they grow and produce waste products in the form of acids and enzymes, these products break down the proteins that cover and protect the teeth and also “eat away” the calcium of the teeth. As the tooth surfaces are destroyed, cavities are formed. Also as tartar (hardened plaque) builds up along the gum line, irritation of the gums occurs. As this continues “pockets” are formed where more exposed surfaces are damaged by the accumulation of food and plaque. To interrupt this chain reaction that produces harm to the teeth we must: brush teeth correctly, floss frequently, eat an adequate nutritional diet and see the dentist at least every six months. It is recommended that we have two brushes (in order that they can dry adequately between use) with soft, well-rounded and polished tips. The purpose of brushing is to remove the plaque by purely mechanical means. Studies show that the optimum brushing time is five minutes. Toothpaste is not an ideal cleanser for most people. A suggested cleanser is five parts baking soda (bicarbonate of soda) and one part salt. Oil of wintergreen or peppermint, cinnamon, cayenne pepper or other kitchen flavors may be added for taste, but never sugar. Baking soda helps to keep the gums healthy and free from inflammation. There has been a great deal of study on fluoridation, but there is still controversy about its use. Ingested fluorine does not help after the teeth have formed. Fluoride in tooth paste and topical solutions is discouraged because a child may swallow enough to approach a toxic dose. After the teeth have formed, use of fluoridated water is of doubtful value. Ideal times for brushing are immediately after meals as well as morning and night. If we are unable to brush after meals, the mouth should be rinsed thoroughly and interdental stimulators used. These are small soft wooden wedge-shaped dental pics, not the usual tooth pick. They are available at most drugstores. The important thing is to remove food particles from between the teeth and around the gum line. To properly brush the outside of the teeth we should hold the brush at a 45* angle pointing toward the gum line. Use a gentle circular or wiggle motion. Do not press too hard. Use short, angled strokes to clean the outer surfaces of the back teeth. Use short angled strokes to remove plaque from the inner surfaces of the back teeth. Then scrub the chewing surfaces of the teeth with the brush held flat. Tilt the brush to clean the inner surface of the front teeth. Also brush the tongue. Daily flossing after brushing the teeth will help to get the residual plaque from between the teeth and under the gum line where the brush is not effective. Unwaxed floss is probably better as it absorbs fluids and small particles. Hold the floss firmly and use a sawing motion between and behind the back teeth. Scrape the sides of the teeth with an up and down motion, but be careful to not cut into the gums. This flossing may at times produce a little bleeding, which is proof that the treatment was needed. If bleeding should continue, see your dentist. Dentists today have available a plastic coating that protects the tooth enamel. These sealants are usually applied to the chewing surfaces of a child’s permanent back teeth to seal off bacteria. Dr. Leonard Cohen, chairman of Univ. of Maryland Oral Health-Care Delivery says, “Sealants are for anybody who wants to try to do everything possible to prevent cavities- they’re not just for children. Adolescents and adults who are cavity-prone could use sealants as added protection. Ask your dentist.” §

Medical Options: Homeopathy


Homeopathy is one of the numerous alternative healing systems to conventional western allopathic medicine. Many people do not know that there were once over 100 homeopathic medical schools in the USA. Homeopathy is still practiced on a very wide scale in England, Germany, France, Mexico, South America and India. There is a recent resurgence of interest with many younger physicians learning the methods and art of homeopathy. All US physicians practising this modality are graduates from regular medical schools and licensed MD’s. The founder of homeopathy was Samuel Hahnemann who, in 1798, wrote about the “Law of Similars” and its application in the medical practice of the day. This was not a new law but was previously described by Hippocrates and Paracelsus of Greece and was used by many cultures including the Mayans, Chinese, American Indians and the Asian Indians. The Law of Similars says that a drug (or other active biological substance) can be used to treat diseases that have symptoms similar to those that one has after an overdose of the same substance. Hahnemann first demonstrated this by taking small doses of Peruvian Bark, cinchona, until he began to have symptoms. These symptoms were the same as those of malaria, so cinchona became the treatment of choice in malaria. He reasoned that this herb was beneficial because in overdose it gave the same symptoms as malaria. He also found that very small doses were more helpful than large doses. Hahnemann spent the following years similarly testing many different herbs and medicinals on himself, his family and friends, a system he called “proving” of the drug. In his experimentation he also found that if small doses of the active substance were mixed and shaken in a solution, the potency was increased, a method he called “succussion.” The very small doses and the meticulous preparation hindered the acceptance of this therapy among pharmacists of that time, as it decreased their income. The “bibles” of homeopathy are the Repertory and the Materia Medica. The Repertory groups symptoms and their corresponding drugs. The Materia Medica gives detailed symptoms and effects of the drugs on various systems of the body. The crux of good treatment is the skill of the physician in taking a meticulous history from the patient. This includes psychological symptoms, diet and reports such as: “Worse in the morning;” “Only on the right side;” “Only happens between three and four in the morning;” “Cool is better” and many other obscure details. After the physician makes his diagnosis and compares his findings in the Repertory and verifies them with the Materia Medica, he usually prepares a dose of the medication. This dose normally aggravates the symptoms before healing begins to occur. The classical practitioner uses only one dose and one drug at a time. One of homeopathy’s great advantages is that there are very few side effects, if care is taken in repetorizing. Many of the lower concentrations of the medications can be used by laymen, and it is especially useful in so-called emergencies. Every home would benefit by having a homeopathic first aid kit and a manual of uses. This energy medicine is successful as it stimulates the body’s natural immune system to overcome the pathological process. It is also used in chronic disease conditions and there have been many well-documented cures of acute infectious disease. Although the orthodox medical schools have not accepted homeopathy; there is a growing interest and acceptance by the scientific world. Recently there has been laboratory proof that the system does work. Recommended reading is Homeopathy, Medicine for the 21st Century by Dana Ullman (North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, California). The National Center for Homeopathy, 1500 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC, 20005, provides free information. §

Some Homeopathic Alternatives


In homeopathic medicine the underlying belief is that the symptoms that the body manifests are the body’s attempt to deal with the disease process. This system teaches that the symptoms should not be suppressed as they are in regular medicine. It is not absolutely clear why homeopathy works so well in treatment of disease, but it is believed that the vibrational quality of the remedy stimulates the immune system of the body to overcome the disease process. It is also believed that treatment must consider the body, mind and spirit of the individual, unlike most allopathic treatment, which deals only with the body. In this day of increased use of antibiotics, analgesics, corticosteroids, potent cardiovascular drugs and other medications which often have serious, long-lasting and really toxic side-effects, it behooves us to find an alternative that will not weaken our natural immune systems. The immune system is attacked not only by drugs we use, but by the contaminated foods we eat, the toxic wastes in our water and in our atmosphere and the stress of everyday living. A weakened immune system leads to disease. The remedies of homeopathy tend to support and improve the immune system, allowing our bodies to heal themselves. Is homeopathy limited in any way? Yes, for it does not replace indicated surgery. It also cannot compensate for incorrect diet, nor can it eliminate the contamination from our water and atmosphere. It may not be useful in a very acute and life-threatening infection. There are some chronic conditions that are irreversible no matter what methodology is used. Some diseases also do not respond for unknown reasons. Because homeopathic therapy is tailored to the specific person and his history, it is said that homeopathy treats people, not diseases. This is true because the apparently same disease may require different remedies in different people. A homeopathic physician may use allopathic drugs when they are indicated. Homeopathy is especially helpful in the common diseases of infancy and childhood. An excellent example is the problem of teething. Most pediatricians would prescribe pain killers or local anesthetics which may be truly dangerous to the future health of the child. The homeopathic physician on the other hand would prescribe chamomile, calcarea phosphorica, calcarea carbonica, coffea or another indicated remedy to give prompt relief without adverse after-effects. For common colds or other viral conditions, antibiotics are totally ineffective (even though commonly prescribed). The whole treatment of viral conditions in regular medicine leads to complications that are worse than the original disease. The homeopathic practitioner can bring results without these side-effects. The regular medical treatment of allergies is by the use of symptom suppressants, desensitization and corticosteroids. The alternative treatment is a remedy that stimulates the immune system-also the goal of desensitization, but without the use of the harmful drugs. No, not every case is cured; but the allopath doesn’t cure every patient either. The whole field of female diseases and disorders is very successfully treated by homeopathic methods. Dentistry is also an open field for the use of homeopathy. It will never replace good dental care, but it is the only therapy that is available that can easily and adequately handle the great fear and trepidation that most people have when they approach the dental chair. There are remedies that are useful for dental pain before and after the drill. Some people using homeopathic remedies can approach the dentist easily and not require anaesthetic, and they also have no post-therapy pain. With the new interest in this alternative to regular medicine, the ongoing teaching by several centers in the United States and more than 100 schools in India, Mexico, Europe and England, this does seem to be the “New Medicine” for the coming century. §

Biochemic Cell Salt Remedies


Dr. Schuessler of Oldenburg Germany published in 1873, “An Abridged System of Homeopathic Therapeutics,” a “new system” of treating human diseases based upon the idea that cures could be obtained by using those salts that naturally occurred in the human cells and tissues. He based his system upon “the physiological fact that the structure and viability of the organs of the body are dependent upon certain necessary quantities and proper apportionment of its organic constituents.” This is known as the “Biochemic” approach. According to this theory, any disturbance in the amount (usually a deficiency) or balance of these tissue salts constitutes disease. He further postulated that replacing the “deficient” cell salts would bring about the harmony among the tissues that is required for health. He determined that blood has, besides its organic elements, the inorganic salts of potash, lime, silica, iron, magnesium and sodium. Nerve cells are principally phosphate salts of magnesium, potassium, sodium and iron. These are commonly identified by their abbreviated biochemic names as Mag. Phosph., Kali Phosph., Nat. Phosph., and Ferr. Phos., respectively. Muscle cells have the same with the addition of potassium chloride (Kali Mur.). Connective tissue cells have as the main constituent silica, and the elastic tissues have calcarea fluoride (Calc. Fluor.). In bone there is calcarea fluoride, magnesia phosphate (Mag. Phosph.) and large amounts of calcarea phosphate (Calc. Phos.). None of these tissues can be healthy unless they contain sufficient amounts of these salts in the proper states of equilibrium. By the study of disease processes and analysis of the required tissue salts, a complete alternative system was developed. The required salts were furnished in a potentized form in decimal dilutions, usually 6X, utilizing the homeopathic method of succussion (shaking) and trituration (grinding). This dilution assures that the action of the salts is on the physical level and able to replace any deficiencies. An example of the efficacy of this dosage form is that Glauber Salts (sodium sulfate) given to the patient in a concentrated form produce a rapid and complete, strong evacuation of the bowel contents. It is, indeed, used as a cathartic. If this same salt, however, is given in minute and potentized amounts (homeopathic style), it is absorbed from the gut into the blood and distributed throughout the body to give the Biochemic effect, among other things a diuresis (increasing the flow of urine). Both acute and chronic disease conditions can be treated by tissue or cell salts. If the case is acute, a prescribed dose is dissolved in water and given to the patient in small (teaspoon) doses every hour or so until relief is seen. In the chronic cases the prescribed salt is given in the prescribed dose three to four times a day. This is continued for a month or more. The usual precautions about food or drink one half hour before and after also apply. At times if a more profound effect on the body is desired a 3x or 4x potency may be used; however, for self care it is advisable to stay with the 6x potency. “The Twelve Tissue Remedies of Schuessler” by Boericke and Dewey is available from several publishers, in Homeopathic pharmacies and in many health food stores. It covers the theory, therapeutic application, materia medica and a complete repertory of these remedies homeopathically and biochemically considered. There are also multiple pamphlets and handbooks. A short amount of study will allow one to use these alternative remedies for many conditions. The remedies can be inexpensively purchased from homeopathic pharmacies and many health food stores. Since these are natural constituents of the body rather than foreign drugs, there is very little possibility of harm in the use. This is another safe and effective system whereby we can partake in our own well being. §

Cigarette Smoking Can Kill You


On a recent trip to Eastern Asia I was appalled at the great number of people smoking cigarettes. It seems that even though Western media and the US Surgeon General’s warnings have been successful in the United States of informing the people of the great health hazard of this habit, the American tobacco industry has stepped up its marketing efforts in Europe and Asia. This is done without the educational warnings of the hazardous nature of this habit. Let no one be fooled! Tobacco smoking is directly related to human diseases such as cancer of the lung, heart disease, emphysema, bronchitis and many other diseases. There is probably no physician in the USA that is not convinced of this, and has been for many years. The American tobacco industry has repeatedly financed research projects that seem to show an equivocal answer to their research and the direct connection of these diseases and smoking of tobacco. It has been very slow, however, to inform the public that the industry has financed these studies and that they are truly suspect in some cases. Directly inhaled smoking is called “mainstream” smoking. Inhalation of the smoke indirectly is called “sidestream” or “passive” smoking. Recent studies at the University of Utah show that women subjected to three hours a day of passive smoking were three times more likely to develop cancer of the cervix of the uterus. This was even more evident in women over 40 years of age than in those under 40. Passive smoking has previously been related to cancer of the lung. Dr. A. Wesley Horton, researcher at Oregon Health Science University, has found a relationship between cancer of the breast and females who only “passively” smoke. He also found that countries with high rates of cancer of the lung in men also have high rates of breast cancer in non-smoking women. Countries with low rates of lung cancer in men also have low rates of breast cancer in women. It would seem that a smoker is also subject to the passive smoking hazards. Smoking is probably one of the strongest addictions known to us. It is difficult to stop the habit as there are so many aspects involved: such as, the repetitive motion of the arm and hand, the oral satisfaction, the social pause, the implied macho image (or the liberated woman image, as seen in “Virginia Slims” ads) and the insidious slow effect of the habit on the body. The patient who develops cancer of the lung from smoking dies, and this is one of the most horrible of deaths. Every smoker develops some degree of emphysema and bronchitis. Emphysema is the result of the loss of the tissues that make up the walls of the small air sacs of the lung. Ultimately, there are only a few large sacs (not the thousands of small sacs nature provided) making it impossible to take in as much air as we need. The small tubes that connect these sacs become chronically inflamed producing the well-known “smokers cough.” It is not unusual to see patients struggling for breath, even to the point of need for constant oxygen and coughing so much their voice changes. The marked decrease in absorption of prana further weakens the entire body and spirit, and may produce unknown karmas. This is especially true for anyone on a spiritual path, as the breath and its control (pranayama) are so important in making progress on the path. Inform yourself of the real and unrelenting effects of smoking. If necessary, obtain professional help in overcoming the habit. Realize that the on-going lack of health from smoking is even worse than the possible early death. It makes no difference how long one has smoked, “quitters always win.” It is well known that even if one has smoked for many years, has developed heart disease and some lung problems, he can gain dramatic benefits by quitting. If we realize the physical, social and spiritual effects of this habit, can we not give it up? §