Śaivite Hindu Religion: Book One for Children Ages 5 to 7


arati: A lighted lamp used in home or temple to worship God.§

aum: A sacred sound we chant. It is made of all sounds put together.§

bhajana: Fun songs that we sing to God.§

chariot: A big rolling cart with four wheels used during festivals. It carries God's temple image.§

chaturthi: Fourth day after the day of a new or full moon.§

deva: A being of light, a soul who lives in the heaven world.§

dharma: God Siva's loving law.§

experience: Something that happens to you. Anything that you see or do.§

festival: Special days to worship God. A happy time when the family worships God together.§

Ganesha: The God with an elephant's head. He is worshiped first.§

God: Siva, Creator of the Universe.§

Gods: Great beings created by God Siva.§

guru: A teacher.§

holy: Something very pure and special.§

karma: The law of action and reaction.§

kavadi: A decorated curved wood frame.§

lord: A name for God.§

monk: A man who does not marry. A monk serves God. He helps people and practices yoga.§

Murugan: A great God. He was created by Lord Siva.§

Namah Sivaya: “Praise to Siva” in Sanskrit language. It is our most favorite and powerful prayer.§

namaskara: The Hindu greeting of seeing God in others.§

Nandi: A big and joyous white bull. Siva rides on Nandi.§

om: Same as “Aum.” The big sound of the universe.§

personally: To know or do something yourself.§

pray: Talking to God.§

puja: A way to worship God.§

rishi: A great holy man.§

sage: A very wise person.§

saint: A holy person.§

Sambandar: The child saint from Tamil Nadu who composed songs to Siva.§

samskara: A temple or home ceremony. It blesses us at important times in our life.§

saranam: “Give me protection” in Sanskrit.§

satguru: A very great religious teacher.§

scripture: A holy book to guide our life.§

Siva: The name of the Supreme God. It means “the Kindly One”.§

soul: Our body of light. Our soul lives inside our physical body.§

supreme: The highest or best.§

Tai Pongal: The rice harvest festival. It happens in January-February.§

tambura: A simple 4-stringed musical instrument.§

temple: The home of God. It is where we worship.§

traditional: Done or used by people for a long, long time.§

vanakkam: A word of greeting in Tamil. It means to have reverence for another.§

Vel: Lord Murugan's spear. It is His power of goodness.§

vina: Musical instrument with seven strings and a mystical sound.§

wise: To have helpful knowledge like older people do.§

worship: To show our love for God.§

yoga: Spiritual practices to bring us very close to God.§

yogi: Someone who is trying to know God.§