Identify and investigate yūlā»: Feel the vibration of the physical body, your muscles, the bones, the circulation. This is your physical being.§
Identify and investigate yūlam°: feel the vibration of your emotional and intellectual natures, what you are feeling and thinking at this moment.§
Identify and investigate yūlaf»: become aware of the spiritual or actinodic energy in the center of your spine. Feel this vibration ooze out through the physical body.§
Next feel the three vibrations of yūlaf», yūlam° and yūla» simultaneously.§
Sadhana Practice In Shūm§
mīmm° §
mīmm° yūla» ūū» yūlam° ūū» yūlaf»§
Quote from Gurudeva§
It is important in securing your unfoldment where it is that you really are very much aware of the difference in vibration between yūlam° and yūlaf». For one is often taken for the other. Very often yūlam° is emotionally taken to be yūlaf», especially when much bhakti yoga and chanting is done by unfolded people. This accounts for religious fervor and emotionalism. §
Supplementary Reading§
Twelve Shum Meditations Shum-Tyeif Mamsani for the Month of March§
La, lam, laf, lamf are four vibratory rates of energies which can be perceived singularly or in any combination. For example, one can feel the vibration of someone’s physical body and emotional body, be they healthy or unhealthy, both at the same time. When an individual has matured inwardly and realized God Śiva, the most refined śakti, called lamf, can also be felt.§
This most important mamsanī tells our story, the story of our states of being. When we meditate upon it, we are seeing our superconscious existence, which will eventually come fully into existence after we have attained ī» kaīf». §
We experience some days when divine energies flow through our bodies, when Śiva’s cosmic energy sparks our mind. Now we have a name for this state of being, this energy: laf. Laf describes our state of mind when Lord Śiva’s superconscious, creative knowledge enriches our vision and the vision of others, improving the quality of life for all. When we experience our subconscious, emotional feelings—good, bad, mixed—we now have a name to call it: lam. And when we are only aware of the external world and our physical body we have a name for that too: la.§
This mamsanī shows the path in a different way than the one we will study in October, “makaif», kaīf», īī» kaīf», ī» kaīf».” On the last two days of each week this month, put these two mamsanī side by side and meditate on them together. You will experience how they tie into each other. You will see how the lamf path ties into the kaīf», ī» kaīf» path. In doing this, you will be taking your first step in creating your own mamsanī. Shūm is a full and fluid language. You can create your own mamsanī. §
yūlamf» 84.53.148§
1) Being and life in the sixth and seventh dimensions; superconscious existence; 2) the vibration, energies, emanating from the actinic causal body (ānandamaya kośa) of a realized soul as a result of many repeated ī» kaīf» experiences; 3) awareness of the physical, astral and soul bodies and the quantums that have constructed them; 4) the ability to understand the nature of quantum particles; 5) pronounced yūlamf and often written simply as lamf, especially in the mamsanī.§
yūlaf» 84.52.148§
1) Being and life in the fourth and fifth dimensions; subsuperconscious existence; 2) the vibration of the soul as experienced through the actinodic causal sheath (vijñānamaya kośa), in the fourth and fifth dimensions; 3) the ability to understand the difference between the physical, astral and soul bodies; 4) pronounced yūlaf and often written simply as laf, especially in the mamsanī.§
yūlam° 84.51.140§
1) Being and life in the second and third dimensions; conscious-subconscious, intellectual-emotional existence; 2) the vibration, energies, emanating from the instinctive-intellectual, astral sheath (the odic-causal/odic-astral sheath); 3) pronounced yūlam and often written simply as lam, especially in the mamsanī.§
yūla» 84.50.148 §
1) Being and life in the first and second dimensions; conscious-mind, physical existence; 2) the vibration, energies, emanating from the physical or odic body; 3) pronounced yūla and often written simply as la, especially in the mamsanī ma.§
Additional Vocabulary §
In addition to the words in the mamsanī, we will utilize the following Shūm word in our meditation. Its definition is:§
mīm° 21.02.140§
1) Search, look for, investigate; 2) innersearching, going within; going in and in; 3) this area of the mind is often used, as the desire to investigate is the cause of movement; 4) individual awareness is ever flowing through all areas of the mind within all available dimensions.§
Additional Resources§
Merging with Śiva, Chapter 2: All Knowing is Within You§