Gurudeva's Spiritual Visions§

Chapter 8§

Flying with Murugan

One early morning in his small chateau at the San Francisco Monastery on Sacramento Street, Subra­mu­ni­ya­swami had a vision that brought Lord Murugan strongly to the forefront of his order’s life. Suddenly, he found himself flying with a handsome, muscular being flying around the monastery room.§

He later told the monks that he had asked the powerful being who he was, and received the reply, “If you don’t know, who does?” He knew, it was Murugan Himself. Master was so inspired by that encounter, he planned to write a book called Flying with Murugan. Though the book is yet to manifest from one of his successors, Muruga’s influence in the order is vast to this day. Subra­mu­ni­ya­swami always felt the first of all sannyasins, son of Siva, was the titular head of his monastic community, a personal guide and example of purity, detachment, willpower and speed of accomplishment.§


Lord Murugan, the first renunciate, was there on the day he met Yogaswami and would be a major influence on his future yoga order. One day in the early 1970s Sri Subramuniya found himself flying with the son of Siva in his San Francisco monastery.§