Gurudeva's Spiritual Visions§

Chapter 7§

The Inner Navigator

While I was waiting in Phoenix deciding whether to open my organization there, I had another experience one day while driving my small car. My inner elf told my outer self, “Look at that sign.” If any of you have been to Phoenix, you know it’s totally a flat area, absolutely flat. There I was, driving around this big flat area where there were lots of houses and homes. “Look at that sign. Remember the sign.” It was Spruce Street. I took note of the sign.§

Then I said, “Okay, I’m just going to get into my inner Self.” Inner self said, “Drive twenty blocks forward, turn left and drive ten blocks, turn right and drive five blocks, turn left, two blocks, turn around, back up, go ten blocks,” and on and on like that for about two hours as I followed the instructions. Then it said, “Stop and look at the sign!” Spruce Street! I was a believer in myself, an absolute believer in myself.§


Driving one day in the flatlands of Phoenix, Arizona, the youthful Gurudeva challenged his own inner voice, and was surprised with the results.§