A Character Building Workbook


Read here—bit.ly/clean-10—about the importance of associating with pure, virtuous people in the story of Ranjit who befriends a mischievous boy and gets into serious trouble at school.§

Cleanliness means being free of dirt or filth. I observe it by good housekeeping and by bathing and washing my clothes frequently. The opposite is dirtiness.§

Comparing the actions of one who is clean to one who is dirty§




In caring for your wardrobe, you…§

wear clothes no more than a few times and then wash them well.§

wear them until you can’t stand it or someone close to you begins to complain.§

As far as body maintenance, you…§

bathe at least twice each day and regularly wash your hair and care for your nails.§

bathe when really needed, which is definitely not each day.§

When it comes to the rooms you live and work in, you…§

thoroughly clean them weekly and keep things tidy in-between.§

clean up when you think visitors or your boss will show up.§

Gurudeva explained: “A clean personal environment, wearing clean clothes, bathing often, keeping the room spotless where you meditate, breathing clean air, letting fresh air pass through your house, is all very important in the fulfillment of purity.”§

“While [purity and impurity] refer to physical cleanliness, their more important meanings extend to social, ceremonial, mental, emotional, psychic and spiritual cleanliness or contamination. Freedom from all forms of contamination is a key to Hindu spirituality, and is one of the yamas. Physical purity requires a clean and well-ordered environment, yogic purging of the internal organs and frequent cleansing with water.”§


ASSIGNMENT: For the first of these two weeks, focus on wearing clean clothing. During the second week, focus on keeping your living and work spaces clean and tidy.§

Date you began this assignment ____________________§


