Jai Ganesha!
Iraivan Day is a day each month that the whole monastery devotes to work related to Iraivan Temple and the San Marga Sanctuary. First thing in the morning, we all gather around in the Guru Pitham and prepare the month’s paper newsletters to be mailed to devotees. Once done with that each monk and taskforcer is assigned to do another task, by Yogi Haranandinatha. Here is a look into what Vel was doing for his Iraivan Day. He began by cleaning the Rudraksha Forest Ganesha which hadn’t been cleaned for quite a long time. Vel was very thorough, and Ganesha is now looking very neat and clean. Once done with that, he went to Murugan hill and cleaned the area around the granite Vel in top of Muruga Hill. Once finished, Vel took the Nataraja statue from the Saivite Satguru Path and washed and shined it well. It also hadn’t been touched for a very long time. As you can see, Vel took his tasks seriously and gave 100% effort. Aum!
The Nataraja looks amazing after the cleaning! We have one from the Mini Mela bought years ago, but looks similar (a bit smaller). It needs some cleaning, what did Vel use that made it come out so great? Any recommendations?
Beautiful, Namaste
Wonderful task.
Lots of love from Mauritius
Adi Sankara