Today at Kauai Aadheenam

Around the Aadheenam – March 4th

Jai Ganesha!

Over the last week the Aadheenam has been enjoying some wonderful weather, with clear sunny days and colorful evenings. While events continually take place here, the monastics are under the discipline of simultaneously experiencing the feeling that “nothing is happening.” Perhaps these photos reflect that, in that most are not of projects or events, but simply the background imagery of life—something important to appreciate too. Is your life defined more by the events that take place, or by the simplicity in between?

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Hale Hana Update

Jai Ganesha!

The Siddhidatta Kulam’s new office is now nearing to its final stage of construction. Sannyasin Vishvanathaswami and Sadhaka Shankaranatha are now working on a new base for the aquarium for the new office. They are working along with Acharya Kumarnathaswami, who is coordinating and guiding them to construct the new base. Apart from Acharya’s many years of woodworking knowledge, he also has recent experience building aquarium stands, after working with Mayuresh who was here on taskforce last year. The two of them had built a stand for the Ganapathi Kulam’s aquarium which you can checkout at this link:

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Force Fields & Psychic Protection, Part Four

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami gives his weekly upadesha in Kadavul Temple at Kauai’s Hindu Monastery in Hawaii. It is part of a series of talks elaborating on the inspired teachings of Satguru Śivaya Subramuniyaswami as found in his book Merging With Śiva.

“Being on the path is a marvelous thing, but it is a path. There are jungles on either side, and if we wander off into the jungle, taking too many liberties, continuity of the vibration of our unfoldment will begin to wane. Suppose you are meditating regularly in the morning and at night, day after day. Perhaps they’re not long meditations, but they are regular. You are generating a certain vibration out of it. If you then stop that routine and take your awareness into feeling sorry for yourself or mentally arguing with a friend, you lose the subtle thread of superconsciousness. You’re going through an old, old pattern and it will be difficult to get back into the vibration of meditation. Your dreams at night may become nightmares. Your circle of friends may change. This is called, in a sense, spinning out into a different area of the mind. If you have not yet experienced this yet, it’s not a recommended experience on the path. And if you have experienced it, you know what I am talking about, and you know the importance of protecting yourself and your meditations. Psychic protection, to sensitive people, is extremely important. It involves every detail of life—your home, friends, clothes, diet, even your dreams. You should live in places that are clean, very clean. Paint your place. Assure yourself that the inner atmosphere is clean and unpolluted. 

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Teaching the Young Ones

An Animated Version on Several Platforms

A devotee in Australia was inspired to create a series of podcasts and videos for his young son and all children, teaching them the 64 qualities discussed by Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami in his Character Building Workbook. Such a great way to introduce the young ones to the qualities they need to develop into a fully-functioning human being. Of course, it’s a lifetime of work, but starting them now will set them on the Good Path early in life.

Check out these podcasts on various platforms:

  • YouTube Video Playlist: Watch here
  • Apple Audio Podcast: Listen on Apple Podcasts
  • Amazon Audio Podcast (Please search for it)
  • Podcastle (Please search for it)
  • Spotify (Please search for it)

Our gallery below shows some screen shots from the YouTube animations.

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Mahasivaratri Stills

Normally we would be putting up the video of Satguru’s latest upadesha, but our Internet fiber connection is down so we cannot upload or download large files. In the meantime here are a few photos (to supplement the livestream) of the sublime Mahasivaratri pujas at Iraivan Temple a few days ago.

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