Taka Archives

Acquiring More Hybrid Hibiscus

Acquiring More Hybrid Hibiscus

Now having two temples functioning, along with gradually colder winters, means we need to be attentive to growing more flowers to meet all the needs. As part of efforts to plant additional hibiscus, we are expanding our collection of hybrids to achieve more variety. We have acquired plants from the...

February 2024 Chitra Padapuja

February 2024 Chitra Padapuja

Jai Gurudeva! Today was the Chitra nakshatra and our monthly padapuja to Sivaya Subramuniyaswami's tirvadi in Kadavul Temple. "You become everything when you merge in Siva, but you are no longer you." - Gurudeva \"A satguru doesn’t need a lot of words to transmit the spirit to another person; but...

Winter in Siva's Gardens/Nepalese Rudrakshas

Winter in Siva's Gardens/Nepalese Rudrakshas

It's another brutal Kauai winter, with temperatures plummeting below 60 degrees on rare occasions. Even in those extreme conditions, Kauai plants sing their little songs and surrender their gifts of color and beauty for pilgrims to enjoy. Yesterday we stumbled on one of our two Saraca indica trees in bloom....

The Evolution of Consciousness, Part Two

The Evolution of Consciousness, Part Two

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami gives his weekly upadesha in Kadavul Temple at Kauai’s Hindu Monastery in Hawaii. It is part of a series of talks elaborating on the inspired teachings of Satguru Śivaya Subramuniyaswami as found in his book Merging With Śiva. "As it is said, “What goes up must come...

Publisher's Desk - Worship in the Home

Publisher's Desk - Worship in the Home

Satguru’s latest Publisher’s Desk editorial, from the January/February/March, 2024 issue of Hinduism Today Magazine. Read the full magazine online here.

Granite Bell Tower Installation  Part 2

Granite Bell Tower Installation Part 2

Acharya Kumarnathaswami and Aditya Vinadhara have continued working nearly every day on the meticulous assembly. Today they expect to finish screwing in the wooden roof boards, having waited for more 6-inch stainless steel screws to arrive in the mail. If all goes according to plan, they will hoist the bell...

Serving the Dharmic Religions #3 - Sikhism

Serving the Dharmic Religions #3 - Sikhism

Over the last year, our publications team in Kauai has been quietly working on a sizable side project sponsored by the Uberoi Foundation. The project is intended to assist in the presentation of the four Dharmic faiths, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism, as per the foundation's goal. This particular video...

Many Forms of Siva

Many Forms of Siva

Gurudeva would often tell us that "Siva is coming today, in some of His many forms." He saw each visitor as Siva in yet another form. Today we share some of Siva's forms. Visitors from Canada and a local group called the Master Gardeners of Kauai. One of the Master...

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