Blog Archives
January 20, 2001Here is a wonderful picture of Gurudeva during last year's Guru Purnima celebrations. Yogaswami says in this wonderful song to Lord Siva:OH BLISS INFINITE In the expansive firmament is the Father and mother. In the expansive firmament is the soul of existence. In the expansive firmament is the elemental forces...

Blog Archives
January 19, 2001Gurudeva is in excellent spirits and Acharya Palaniswami says he got up from the table today and went out for a walk leaving his staff behind! He also called the monastery today at lunch as usual and told the monks he was back full swing with his editing schedule, working...

Blog Archives
January 18, 2001Gurudeva on Jayanthi Day, January 5th. Yogaswami relates the words of his Guru, Sage Chellappaswami: THE OMNIPOTENT MAHAVAAKIAM [The All Powerful Great Sayings] 'Detach, and in attachment, see detachment, Espouse righteous living with awareness, my dear Thou art myself'--Thus spoke he. "No intrinsic evil is there,' so said he, 'And...

Blog Archives
January 15, 2001Gurudeva continues to do better and better everyday. He is working now both mornings and afternoons on the editing of Living with Siva, to catch up for the month and a half of "down time" . Yogaswami says:"We are the servitors of Lord Siva. We lack nothing. Our duty is...

Blog Archives
January 14, 2001Gurudeva is getting out every day, fresh air, sunshine and doing exercises. In his call to the monastery today he talked more about gratitude and appreciation, saying to the monks: Turn to the person next to you and say "I really appreciate you!"He is editing the chapter of Living with...

Blog Archives
January 13, 2001Gurudeva is in great spirits and asked the monks taking care of him to send back the special hospital bed they had rented (the one that allows you to raise the back up and down). He called the monks today at lunch and said he was exercising, practicing walking up...

Blog Archives
January 12, 2001Jai Gurudeva! Up and Walking and Sitting On My Own!. . .Here is Gurudeva at this ocean with today's "lunch team", that is the group of monks who drive down from the monastery to take him lunch. He is taking some fresh air and sunshine. Sadhaka Mahadevan on the left,...

Blog Archives
January 11, 2001Gurudeva is doing very well, swimming daily, taking short walks and sitting at the table to "take care of business." Yogaswami says:"Everything originates in me; everything finds permanence in me; in me everything revolves in dissolution." --So must we become suffused with such pure thoughts. Further, we must frequently meditate...