Blog Archives
January 30, 2001Gurudeva continues on his editing work for Living with Siva, the "Sutra section." The Nandinatha Sutras outline a code of conduct for Hindus on the path of spiritual transformation and also document many of the unwritten traditions of Hindu culture. In the yoga system the first two limbs, the foundations...

Blog Archives
January 29, 2001Gurudeva, having finished the editing of the main chapters of Living with Siva is now working on the 365 Nandinatha Sutras, reviewing each one for a final time and considering the input sent by monks and devotees for suggests, revisions and additions. He has a goal to finish this book...

Blog Archives
January 28, 2001Gurudeva said to the monks today: "We have a great mission ahead of us, carrying forward the Sanatana Dharma into the future and beyond."Yogaswami says:""In the sanctum of our hearts, we shall find the Lord of Grace showering His bounty as a great Giver. All Hail Namasivaya!" "Fix the heart...

Blog Archives
January 27, 2001Gurudeva is looking simply wonderful these days. We hope to have him back with us very soon. Today Gurudeva gave a 30 minute radio interview on Honolulu station K-108, answering a wide range of questions from the significance of the Kumbha Mela, to advice for beginning meditators. Arthur Pacheco, a...

Blog Archives
January 26, 2001Gurudeva is well enough to go shopping! That's a great sign. He called the monastery today to tell us he had finished editing the last chapter of Living with Shiva, day 365! So the book is gearing up for the press in a big way. Now he is reviewing all...

Blog Archives
January 25, 2001This is Gurudeva up and going for a walk before a meeting with some of the monks. He is exercising daily now and the acupuncturist says he is building up a lot of muscle tone.Yogaswami, speaking of his Guru as the "Sivathondan" (the servant of Siva) says: LEAD KINDLY LIGHT....

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January 22, 2001Gurudeva's life work echo's the teaching of his Guru, Yogaswami, who sang:The Song or Right Living 1. The abode of Wisdom (JnanaVeedu) shall be our gain, If the discipline of charity and austerity, we espouse. 2. Remember the Lord who's like fragrance in the flower, And thy tongue shall repeat...

Blog Archives
January 21, 2001A photo taken today of Gurudeva who says: "We are turning this time into a boon by focusing now many hours a day on Living with Siva editing. You will find it to be a wonderful book!"Yogaswami, while he soared high in the heights of contemplation, was also intensely active...