Blog Archives
February 18, 2001Gurudeva joined the Talaivar meeting today and sat for several hours with Sannyasin Shanmuganathaswami reviewing all the many wonderful "get well" letters and cards that everyone sent. It was such an inspiration to see all the love and devotion and blessings pouring in from so many around the world. Thank...

Blog Archives
February 17, 2001Gurudeva seated in the Guru Peetham. Here, after our morning puja and meditation, he will sometimes sit alone and inwardly survey the mission work and activities around the world or discuss important questions with one or other of the monks.Yogaswami says in his beautiful songs: "In the harmony of universal...

Blog Archives
February 16, 2001Yogaswami has this beautiful song:Believe in God; Believe in Him with perfect trust. Consider Him as sweeter than the sweetest of earthly joys. Ponder that He is the incomparable One. Reflect on His glory night and day and at all times. Let the constant remembrance of Him fill the interstices...

Blog Archives
February 13, 2001The monastery was "humming" today as Gurudeva joined us in the morning for some important weekly meetings. The first was "Publisher's Desk" at which he reviews with the staff of Hinduism Today upcoming articles and directions for the content of the magazine in the future. Yogaswami says: "Realise your true...

Blog Archives
February 12, 2001Gurudeva continues to work on the Nandinatha Sutras. And around noon today he met the returning mission team who arrived back from their trip to Asia and Africa (see news below.) Our Paramaguru Yogaswami says: SON! THOU ART WITHOUT COMPARE. Son! Thou art fused in all life; Know this and...

Blog Archives
February 11, 2001Gurudeva seated on the Peetham--the seat of the Guru Mahasannidhanam of Kauai Aadheenam. Its a quiet day at the Aadheenam. . .everyone focused on their work. Gurudeva is still working on the "Nandinatha Sutras," for Living with Siva. Title: Arthur Pacheco interviews Gurudeva Part 1 Category: The Guru Duration: 2...

Blog Archives
February 10, 2001Gurudeva says he is very close to completing all the work on Living With Siva. He is going through the Nandinatha Sutras now, reviewing all the input sent by members and monks over the past year. There is no audio today. Have some fun. . .visit the detailed index of...

Blog Archives
January 31, 2001Gurudeva continues working on the Nandinatha Sutras every day. . .Yogaswami sings in this beautiful song to the Mother, the praises of his Guru, Sage Chellappaswami: MOTHER MINE Oh mother mine, he came on earth in human form. He whom Brama and Vishnu fail to perceive. He assuaged my griefs...