Blog Archives
March 20, 2001Gurudeva meets devotees today in the Guru Peedam. A special couple from Arizona is here: Vickneswaran Sukumaran and his wife Darshini and their new baby, Abhirami. Title: Gurudeva Interview by Loni Petranek Part XII Category: The Guru Duration: 4 min., 01 seconds Date Given: Date Posted: March_20_2001 Cybertalk: This is...
Blog Archives
March 19, 2001Gurudeva inspects the lunch of the day. Food is the gift of life and before the monks eat they chant the "Bhojana" Mantra: "Anna purne sada purne Sankara prana vallabhe Jnana, vairagya siddyartham Bhiksham dehi cha Parvati Mata cha Parvati devi..." It is a beautiful prayer to the Divine Mother,...
Blog Archives
March 18, 2001Yogaswami's San Marga songs continued: San Marga VII The Wise who have known the Self, in whose heart is enthroned the Lord, will not be deluded by the joys and sorrows of the earth, but will live benignly in the world as the drops of water floating on the lotus...
Blog Archives
March 15, 2001Before our morning meditations Gurudeva instructs the monks on the subtle control of awareness as it flows through the mind. Today he spoke about developing discrimination between thoughts moving "outward" in an external direction and thought that is moving inward. Then to become aware of that which is watching awareness...
Blog Archives
March 14, 2001Songs of Siva Yogaswami San Marga V. Believe in God; Believe in Him with perfect trust. Consider Him as sweeter than the sweetest of earthly joys. Ponder that He is the incomparable One. Reflect on His glory night and day and at all times. Let the constant remembrance of Him...
Blog Archives
March 13, 2001Two of our dear friends from Honolulu came to Kauai to see Gurudeva. This is Mr. Ram Arora and his son Amit, who is studying to be a investment manager. Ram has a wonderful restaurant in Honolulu called India House. Don't miss a great meal there if you can make...
Blog Archives
March 12, 2001Gurudeva working on Living with Siva with his editing team, Acharya Palaniswami, Acharya Kumarswami and Sadhaka Japendranatha. Living with Siva unfolds the traditional lifestyle and code of conduct for worshippers of Siva and is built on the frame work of the 20 ancient Yamas and Niyamas of the Vedas. The...
Blog Archives
March 11, 2001Gurudeva at work with some of his monks in his new office in the publications building. On the left, Skandanathaswami shows Gurudeva a sample of a hard bound book produced in Malaysia. Our plan is to print more books in Malaysia where Uma Publications produces top quality work at excellent...