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April 20, 2001It's a quiet day today. Gurudeva goes through his email with Shanmuganathswami, reaching out to devotees around the world from the middle of the Pacific. Every morning he has been speaking to the monks about teaching the Yamas and Niyamas as the foundation principles. A small booklet containing the Yamas...
![Blog Archives](/taka-archive-all-assets/wp-content/uploads/2001/April/April_19_2001/-gurudeva.jpg)
Blog Archives
April 19, 2001Things are moving forward at the Aadheenam. While all is quiet, BIG things are in the offing. We all feel like we are watching some giant wave off shore rolling steadily home: travel plans for the temple artisans to come to Kauai, six containers of stones at sea now making...
![Blog Archives](/taka-archive-all-assets/wp-content/uploads/2001/April/April_18_2001/-gurudeva.jpg)
Blog Archives
April 18, 2001Having completed "Living with Siva" the third book in his "Master Course Trilogy," (Living with Siva, Dancing with Siva and Merging with Siva) Gurudeva has been in the past few days actively guiding the monks on how to bring these core basic teachings of this important work into our daily...
![Blog Archives](/taka-archive-all-assets/wp-content/uploads/2001/April/April_17_2001/-gurudeva.jpg)
Blog Archives
April 17, 2001Today's Sun One Homa ceremonies were full of samskaras.... sacraments performed for little ones. Sivajnani Nagapppan has come from Malaysia to join his wife, Amala and their little boy Yajatadeva. The fortunate child receives a blessing from Gurudeva: sandalwood paste on the head after Sivajnani had shaved the head. Title:...
![Blog Archives](/taka-archive-all-assets/wp-content/uploads/2001/April/April_14_2001/-gurudeva.jpg)
Blog Archives
April 14, 2001In between a full morning of monastery meetings, Gurudeva was available for darshan today, meeting with pilgrims from the mainland and Europe. Title: Hindu New Year Part 2 Category: Hinduism and Tradition Duration: 3 min., 29 seconds Date Given: 04/13/2001 Date Posted: April_14_2001 Cybertalk: In the second and last part...
![Blog Archives](/taka-archive-all-assets/wp-content/uploads/2001/April/April_13_2001/-gurudeva.jpg)
Blog Archives
April 13, 2001Happy New Year! Puttandu Vallthukkal! Today Gurudeva was "roaring like a lion" in his annual New Year's message which was directed this year to the officers, directors and administrators of temples. "This is the year of Vrisha, the year of aggressiveness, will power and accomplishment. Stewards of our Hindu temples...
![Blog Archives](/taka-archive-all-assets/wp-content/uploads/2001/April/April_11_2001/-gurudeva.jpg)
Blog Archives
April 11, 2001We are coming to the end of Sadhu Paksha and all is quiet at the monastery. Now with Living with Siva finished, Gurudeva has been using his editing hours for giving some wonderfully lucid dictations regarding his expectations for his sishya, Church Membership and various other matters for the future....
![Blog Archives](/taka-archive-all-assets/wp-content/uploads/2001/April/April_10_2001/-gurudeva.jpg)
Blog Archives
April 10, 2001We just passed through a three-day full-moon retreat. On the first day, the entire monastery works together on projects for the Iraivan Temple Project for the first half of the day. Sadhaka Thondunatha who coordinates the temple fund raising shares news on progress and delegates the various tasks. Visit the...