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Yogaswami says: "OH VEILED AND PEERLESS GUHARINI ! "Oh Guharini! Magnetic power so peerless! Thou who art hidden in the cave of my heart unknown, Universal Energy lying coiled and dormant within, Arise! Release thy cosmic power in me and in all moving objects, By the act of Grace divine-Ambrosial...

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Gurudeva reviews his daily email with Sannyasin Shanmuganathaswami on the right. During the morning various monastics will come and consult on matters of the day. Skandanathaswami on the left is our Pilliyar Kulam Talaivar (coordinator) and Acharya Ceyonswami in the front is the Talaivar of the Lambodara Kulam. With the...

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Today Gurudeva was in "great form," answering questions for the devotees as well as those from Cyber Cadets. No Audio Today Be surprised! No new audio today. Take this opportunity for an adventure. Close your eyes and click to get a message picked at random from our vast audio archives...

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Today Gurudeva gave his Sun Five talk in the temple. But he inaugurated a new innovation. Periodically he will give talks especially for "Family Life in The World." These will not be answers to Cyberspace questions as such, but Inspired Talks on topics of significance that Gurudeva feels are important...

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Summer has arrived and families are coming with their children to visit and be with Gurudeva. This is the Gopal family from New York. No Audio Today Be surprised! No new audio today. Take this opportunity for an adventure. Close your eyes and click to get a message picked at...

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Gurudeva meets today with three Patel families all from New Jersey. No Audio Today Be surprised! No new audio today. Take this opportunity for an adventure. Close your eyes and click to get a message picked at random from our vast audio archives Click to send Gurudeva a spiritual question...

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Gurudeva at the Iraivan temple site. True to his teachings that Hinduism is upheld by the three pillars of "Temple" "Scriptures" and "Gurus" he is building this temple and writing books that will serve as scriptures for the future. "If any one or two of these increments were to be...

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Today was an auspicious one for Lakshman Nelliappan who became a "Vrata Sishya" member of Saiva Siddhanta Church. A Vrata Sishya is one who has been accepted by Gurudeva as a devotee and who pledges to live up to the 365 Nandinatha Sutras and pass them on to the next...

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