Blog Archives
August 10, 2001As we write today's captions, Gurudeva and all the Innersearchers have departed from the UK on the ship... Innersearch has begun! Meanwhile we have a lot of photos of the last days in UK. Here is Gurudeva being interviewed on the Tamil TV station in London. More pictures below. No...
Blog Archives
July 31, 2001Departure time has finally arrived! Gurudeva, Acharya Palaniswami, Acharya Ceyonswami, Sadhaka Rishithondunatha and Sadhaka Dandapani departed at 11:30 AM Kauai time, bound for San Francisco. No Audio Today Be surprised! No new audio today. Take this opportunity for an adventure. Close your eyes and click to get a message picked...
Blog Archives
July 30, 2001One day left before lift off to Europe. Gurudeva and team depart tomorrow for San Francisco. Yogaswami says: "What infinite varieties are seen as the Dance of the One, whose gracious Feet be my unfailing Guide, Aum." Natchintanai--264. No Audio Today Be surprised! No new audio today. Take this opportunity...
Blog Archives
July 29, 2001Guirudeva answered questions posed by the monks today. One asked him about the creative process and how we can nurture this. Gurudeva responded that if the mind is clear, then the powers of creation will flow naturally. So, the task is to keep using the tools to make sure the...
Blog Archives
July 28, 2001Gurudeva spoke to the monks this morning in his early morning discourse that follows our meditation: "We can see now, in the course of the unfoldment of Innersearch, the structure of the Shum language. In the 14th dimension, there is the impulse, then comes the pulse, then creation, manifestation and...
Blog Archives
July 25, 2001As ever, Guru Purnima always feels like the most blissful day of Satsang that one ever had in life. Here Gurudeva gives Swami Bua Maharaj a big hug after the Guru Pada Puja. No Audio Today Be surprised! No new audio today. Take this opportunity for an adventure. Close your...
Blog Archives
July 24, 2001Today Gurudeva answered Cyber Cadet questions from around the world and we had a short address from Swami Buaji Maharaj. All come forward for blessings at the end, with vibhuti being given by both sages. Today's questions from Cyber Cadets gave testimony to the wide audience this daily page has...
Blog Archives
July 23, 2001Guru Purnima 2001, Day Three: The day began with our regular homa and satsang afterward. But today we were graced by the presence of the venerable Sri Sri Swami Bua Maharaj. Swami has been coming to our Guru Purnima celebrations three years in a row. Reputed to be 111 years...