![Blog Archives](/taka-archive-all-assets/wp-content/uploads/2002/February/February_10_2002//taka/images/taka_98_08_16/1yrago.gif)
Blog Archives
February 10, 2002Gurudeva's instructions to a young monk: "Don't let thoughts come unbidden..." "Don't think, just perceive." NOTE: This is the last day of this phase... This TAKA page will remain up until Wednesday evening, the 13th. Have a wonderful retreat! [Note... all the images for this day have been "lost"] Our...
![Blog Archives](/taka-archive-all-assets/wp-content/uploads/2002/January/January_31_2002/00gurudeva1-31.jpg)
Blog Archives
January 31, 2002Here is Gurudeva giving vibhuti to a pilgrim. Throughout his life, Gurudeva would give out vibhuti, sometimes for hours and hours on end at the end of festivals. Once in India, when he was staying at Rajapalayam in Tamil Nadu, the local villagers and school children came to see him....
![Blog Archives](/taka-archive-all-assets/wp-content/uploads/2002/January/January_27_2002/00gurudeva1-27.jpg)
Blog Archives
January 27, 2002Gurudeva worked to "give back" to the community in which he lived, in this case the island of Kauai. One of his themes these past few years was to stop the war in the home and in our community through putting an end to domestic violence and the crime that...
![Blog Archives](/taka-archive-all-assets/wp-content/uploads/2002/January/January_26_2002/00gurudeva1-26.jpg)
Blog Archives
January 26, 2002This message from a devotee in Mauritius says it all: =============== "Our Gurudeva is closer to us all, nearer than breath than ever. He is the SUN. We are all blessed to work with Him and be under His Umbrella for the future, future and future centuries. He is the...
![Blog Archives](/taka-archive-all-assets/wp-content/uploads/2002/January/January_25_2002/00gurudeva1-25.jpg)
Blog Archives
January 25, 2002The memorial issue of Hinduism Today is coming along really well. We only have a few days left before final files are sent to the printer. This issue is very special because it covers the entirety of Gurudeva's life and mission and was written and edited entirely by the monks....
![Blog Archives](/taka-archive-all-assets/wp-content/uploads/2002/January/January_24_2002/00gurudeva1-24.jpg)
Blog Archives
January 24, 2002This wonderful message arrived today from Swami Paramananda Bharati --who has been with Gurudeva as a representative of Hindusim at several Global Forums, and chanted "AUM" in the Kremlin when they were together in Moscow. ============== " I was shocked to hear that Sri Sivaya Subramuniyaswamiji is no more. It...
![Blog Archives](/taka-archive-all-assets/wp-content/uploads/2002/January/January_23_2002/00gurudeva1-23.jpg)
Blog Archives
January 23, 2002Welcome to a new "phase" of news from Kauai Aadheenam... We start with this tribute to Gurudeva from Trinidad: ====================== "My wife Suzuette and I are very, very saddened over the condition of our dear Guru. As a Hindu of non-Indian descent, in my view, he has done more to...
![Blog Archives](/taka-archive-all-assets/wp-content/uploads/2002/January/January_20_2002/00gurudeva1-20.jpg)
Blog Archives
January 20, 2002Our Beloved and Revered Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami Attained Maha Samadhi on November 12th, 2001Click to read for Details. Gurudeva's Statement on Sept. 11th From one of Gurudeva oldest devotees from Sri Lanka: Mr. S. Sivapalasingam, now an elderly man: ==================== "I would like to record my reminiscence of Gurudeva with...