Blog Archives
March 17, 2002One of Gurudeva's wonderful qualities was how masterfully he put his own teachings into practice. Paramacharya Palaniswami asked the question after Gurudeva passed: "How often did any of us hear Gurudeva talking about how things were? How often did he express longing for the past? Or ask wouldn't it have...
Blog Archives
March 16, 2002HIS SWEEP OF GRACE. (by Siva Yogaswami) Divine Grace sweeps over And my soul revels in bliss. With none resisting Truth reigns supreme. Is it One or is it Two; No more do I query. Aum Sivayanama refrain Floods my heart with joy. Yama the terrible God of Death No...
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March 15, 2002NATCHINTANAI DHYANAM "Ever present in all beings, Oh Immaculate One! Entrancing Beauty in all art Thou too! Permeating in pebble, rock and imposing trees And flourishing e'en in grass and weed as well. Essence of Harmony, Thou divine Songster, No other Lord will I revere but Thee. In worship meek...
Blog Archives
March 14, 2002We hope everyone has been reading the lesson of the day, as we are in the middle of some of the most wonderful lessons about the soul and the soul body... it only reminds again what a Rishi was our Gurudeva! Be patient ... we have 33 photos today from...
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March 11, 2002Gurudeva signed thousands of books during the last three years of his life. Visitors to Kauai Aadheenam would bring their books to him and then he would answer their questions. Those autographs are now priceless treasures. NOTE: This is the last day of the phase and tonight we are celebrating...
Blog Archives
March 10, 2002Gurudeva arriving home from the last Innersearch... When ever he traveled with the monks he would always say as soon as he left, even for a long mission "Now we think about returning home. Go out, do your mission, look not left or right, but stay focused, keep the feeling...
Blog Archives
February 25, 2002Many people are surprised to find out how closely Gurudeva worked with his monks on every aspect of the mission work. Now that "Living with Siva" is available, we think this is an important quote from Gurudeva himself: "The trilogy of Dancing, Living, Merging with Siva� which took many, many...
Blog Archives
February 24, 2002Today is our monthly "Ashram Sadhana Day" and all the monks are out cleaning. So, we don't have too much news but share with you this beautiful song by Siva Yogaswami: The single Word hath purified my dross, The soulful incantation of Siva Siva No more do I succumb to...