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Gurudeva receives a Pada Puja in Europe at one of the temples he visited on his last trip: Our members here on Kauai have the wonderful duty to host pilgrims and temple visitors on the mornings of the retreats... a member of each of the families takes turns. This past...

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Great minds think alike. Listen to this quote from Albert Einstein. How amazingly close it is to our Saiva philosophy: "A human being is a part of the whole, called by us Universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated...

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This condolence was sent from Trinidad Hinduism Today correspondent, Anil Mahabir: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To all the monks at Hinduism Today, Namaste, Sita Ram, I have been deeply saddened upon hearing about the passing of dear Gurudeva. My Divali 2001 would certainly not be as festive as I thought it would probably...

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Here is a wonderful message from a couple in the Netherlands who were guided into Hinduism by Gurudeva. "Prostrations and adorations to the Feet of Lord Shiva, Pati, the first Inspirator to follow the Sanatana Dharma and Yoga Marga for the realisation of the Self, Himself, in this life and...

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Gurudeva has always had a great regard for the temple of Chidambaram in Tamil Nadu. It is a very important holy center and one of the very few Siva temples in the world where Lord Nataraja is installed as the main Deity. It is traditional for new temples to have...

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We share with you today a rather long message from T. S. Sambamurthy Sivachariar, head of the Adi Saiva priesthood of Sivachariyas and Hindu of the Year, 2001, sent as a tribute to Gurudeva: "Mere words cannot explain my association with his holiness Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami. "Adisaiva" or the first...

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Condolences sent by the trustees of the Sri Siddhi Vinayagar Temple, Hearning, Denmark, where a community of Sri Lankans live and carry on the traditions: [original in Tamil] "The message of Sri Lanka's greatest sage, Yogaswami has been spread around the globe by his great thondar, Hawaii's Subramuniyaswami who has...

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A distant devotee wrote: "Please express my blessings to all the monks in this time of change. Gurudeva lives within me, as he always has. My image of him is always of his being in perpetual Oneness. He never changed. However, he profoundly changed my life." Our Beloved and Revered...

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