The Shum Language of Meditation

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Shum-Tyeif is a Nātha mystical language of meditation (also simply known as Shum) revealed in Switzerland in 1968 by Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami (affectionately known as Gurudeva). It provides a vocabulary to accurately describe inner realms and inner states of consciousness. The full story of how Shum-Tyeif came to be is described here.

The Shum-Tyeif Alphabet

There are eighteen basic images (letters) in the Shum-Tyeif alphabet, and 135 in all. Gurudeva writes: “The first thing to do in learning Shum is to memorize the initial portion of the alphabet, and we’ll work with that first. A letter in Shum is called an “image.” Learn to pronounce all the images correctly right away. As you pronounce each image of the Shum alphabet, try to inwardly hear its sound with your inner ear. When you write the image on paper, draw it meticulously. Try to hear with your inner ear what you are writing while repeating it audibly. Through hearing yourself repeat it audibly, writing it down, seeing what you write, mentally seeing what you’re going to write and mentally hearing it as well—you can quickly learn the images of Shum, for they are right out of the superconscious mind, which is as much alive within you now as it was within me when Shum burst forth. In this way you catch the inner flavor of the language, the inner rhythm of the language. Take care in the basic alphabet of Shum, for that is what puts the language together.

“Meditate on the alphabet as a totality. Repeat the alphabet as a mantra. You can also mentally chant the Shum alphabet. That lifts all the wonderful pranic energies of the body up into the head. Repeat the alphabet time and time again until you pronounce each tone absolutely correctly, for each tone is a key to an area of inner nerve currents within the psychic aspect of your body. To turn that key—or to get those results, the release of superconscious energy—Shum must be intoned correctly.”

The First Eighteen Images in Color

Once the first eighteen images have been learned, the student studies the slideshow above to learn the colors connected to the images and uses the correct color to draw each image. Next, through visualization, each image is seen along with its color with eyes closed. Lastly, while breathing nine counts in and nine counts out, use the eighteen images to mark the counts while visualizing the color and the shape of the image. This practice is called siflimf. While referring to the chart, on the inbreath, count, “i, m, íng, líng, li, ni, ka, sím, vum,” and on the outbreath count, “reh, tye, a, bi, u, na, si, di, shum.” Mentally pronounce the sound and visualize the color. The eighteen colors are: ‘i’ bright yellow, ‘m’ soft pink, ‘íng’ soft blue, ‘líng’ bright turquoise, ‘li’ bright violet, ‘ni’ rich yellow, ‘ka’ rich turquoise, ‘sím’ bright pink, ‘vum’ rich purple, ‘reh’ bright orange, ‘tye’ rich orange, ‘a’ rich blue, ‘bi’ bright blue, ‘u’ soft ivory, ‘na’ soft green, ‘si’ bright red, ‘di’ bright green, ‘shum’ soft lavender.

The Extended Alphabet

Here are all 108 images of the Shum alphabet, plus the three special characters that are used to add two dimensions to some words ending in ‘i’ sounds, ‘m’ sounds and any sound, respectively. A description and pronunciation is included below each image.

1) First image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a high pitched “ee,” as in sleep; 3) pure color of the inner mind as seen in meditation; 4) this sound produces a bright yellow color; 5) part of siflimf, the Shum pranayama sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind through kalibasa; 6) the first of the eighteen basic images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet.
1) Second image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a high pitched “mm,” as in moon; 3) pure color of the inner mind as seen in meditation; 4) this sound produces a soft pink color; 5) part of siflimf, the Shum pranayama sadhana of moving awareness into the nadanadi area of mind through kalibasa; 6) the second of the eighteen basic images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Third image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “ing,” as in ring; 3) pure color of the inner mind as seen in meditation; 4) this sound produces a soft blue color; 5) part of siflimf, the Shum pranayama sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind through kalibasa; 6) the third of the eighteen basic images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Fourth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “ling,” as in sling, 3) pure color of the inner mind as seen in meditation; 4) this sound produces a bright turquoise color; 5) part of siflimf, the Shum pranayama sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind through kalibasa; 6) the fourth of the eighteen basic images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Fifth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a high pitched “lee,” as in sleep; 3) pure color of the inner mind as seen in meditation; 4) this sound produces a bright violet color; 5) part of siflimf, the Shum pranayama sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind through kalibasa; 6) the fifth of the eighteen basic images of the 108 Shum Tyeif alphabet
1) Sixth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “nee,” as in need; 3) pure color of the inner mind as seen in meditation; 4) this sound produces a rich yellow color; 5) part of siflimf, the Shum pranayama sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind through kalibasa; 6) the sixth of the eighteen basic images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Seventh image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “kaw,” as in Kali; 3) pure color of the inner mind as seen in meditation; 4) this sound produces a rich turquoise color; 5) part of siflimf, the Shum pranayama sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind through kalibasa; 6) the seventh of the eighteen basic images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Eighth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “sim,” as in simple; 3) pure color of the inner mind as seen in meditation; 4) this sound produces a bright pink color; 5) part of siflimf, the Shum pranayama sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind through kalibasa; 6) the eighth of the eighteen basic images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Ninth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “voom,” rhyming with room; 3) pure color of the inner mind as seen in meditation; 4) this sound produces a rich purple color; 5) part of siflimf, the Shum pranayama sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind through kalibasa; 6) the ninth of the eighteen basic images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) The tenth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “reh,” as in renovate; 3) pure color of the inner mind as seen in meditation; 4) this sound produces a bright orange like the color of the sun as it is rising and setting; 5) part of siflimf, the Shum pranayama sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind through kalibasa; 6) the tenth of the eighteen basic images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Eleventh image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “tyay,” rhyming with bay; 3) pure color of the inner mind as seen in meditation; 4) this sound produces a rich orange color; 5) part of siflimf, the Shum pra∫ayama sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind through kalibasa; 6) the eleventh of the eighteen basic images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Twelfth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “aw” as in awesome, 3) pure color of the inner mind as seen in meditation; 4) this sound produces a rich blue color; 5) part of siflimf, the Shum pranayama sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind through kalibasa; 6) the twelfth of the eighteen basic images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Thirteenth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “bee,” as in beacon; 3) pure color of the inner mind as seen in meditation; 4) this sound produces a bright blue color; 5) part of siflimf, the Shum pranayama sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind through kalibasa; 6) the thirteenth of the eighteen basic images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Fourteenth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “oo,” as in moo; 3) pure color of the inner mind as seen in meditation; 4) this sound produces a soft ivory color; 5) part of siflimf, the Shum pranayama sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind through kalibasa; 6) the fourteenth of the eighteen basic images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Fifteenth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “na,” as in nada; 3) pure color of the inner mind as seen in meditation; 4) this sound produces a soft green color; 5) part of siflimf, the Shum pranayama sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind through kalibasa; 6) the fifteenth of the eighteen basic images of the 108 Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Sixteenth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a high pitched “see,” as in seed; 3) pure color of the inner mind as seen in meditation; 4) this sound produces a bright red color; 5) part of siflimf, the Shum pranayama sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind through kalibasa; 6) the sixteenth of the eighteen basic images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Seventeenth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “dee,” as in deep; 3) pure color of the inner mind as seen in meditation; 4) this sound produces a bright green color; 5) part of siflimf, the Shum pranayama sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind through kalibasa; 6) the seventeenth of the eighteen basic images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Eighteenth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “shoom,” rhyming with room; 3) pure color of the inner mind as seen in meditation; 4) this sound produces a soft lavender color; 5) part of siflimf, the Shum pra∫ayama sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind through kalibasa; 6) name of the Shum portion of the Shum-Tyeif language and written as the character shum with a dot over it; 7) the eighteenth of the eighteen basic images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Nineteenth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a high pitched “eem,” as in neem; 3) pure colors of nature as seen in flowers, trees and as the sun is rising and setting; 4) this sound produces a blend of bright yellow, soft pink astral colors; 5) the shumif sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind; 6) one of the fifty-four compounded images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Twentieth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a high pitched “mee,” as in meet; 3) pure colors of nature as seen in flowers, trees and as the sun is rising and setting; 4) this sound produces a blend of soft pink, bright yellow astral colors; 5) the shumif sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind; 6) one of the fifty-four compounded images of the Shum-Tyeif alaphabet
1) Twenty-first image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a high pitched “meem,” rhyming with theme; 3) pure colors of nature as seen in flowers, trees and as the sun is rising and setting; 4) this sound produces a blend of soft pink, bright yellow, soft pink astral colors; 5) the shumif sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind; 6) one of the fifty-four compounded images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Twenty-second image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet 2) pronounced in a moderate pitch “ming,” rhyming with sing; 3) pure colors of nature as seen in flowers, trees and as the sun is rising and setting; 4) this sound produces a blend of soft pink, soft blue astral colors; 5) the shumif sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind; 6) one of the fifty-four compounded images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Twenty-third image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a high pitched “leem,” rhyming with gleam; 3) pure colors of nature as seen in flowers, trees and as the sun is rising and setting; 4) this sound produces a blend of bright violet, soft pink astral colors; 5) the shumif sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind; 6) one of the fifty-four compounded images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Twenty-fourth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “neem,” as in neem; 3) pure colors of nature as seen in flowers, trees and as the sun is rising and setting; 4) this sound produces a blend of rich yellow, soft pink astral colors; 5) the shumif sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind; 6) one of the fifty-four compounded images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Twenty-fifth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “kawm,” rhyming with mom; 3) pure colors of nature as seen in flowers, trees and as the sun is rising and setting; 4) this sound produces a blend of rich turquoise, soft pink astral colors; 5) the shumif sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind; 6) one of the fifty-four compounded images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Twenty-sixth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “rehm,” as in remnant; 3) pure colors of nature as seen in flowers, trees and as the sun is rising and setting; 4) this sound produces a blend of bright orange, soft pink astral colors; 5) the shumif sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind; 6) one of the fifty-four compounded images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Twenty-seventh image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “tyaym,” rhyming with game; 3) pure colors of nature as seen in flowers, trees and as the sun is rising and setting; 4) this sound produces a blend of rich orange, soft pink astral colors; 5) the shumif sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind; 6) one of the fifty-four compounded images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Twenty-eighth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “awm,” rhyming with bomb; 3) pure colors of nature as seen in flowers, trees and as the sun is rising and setting; 4) this sound produces a blend of rich blue, soft pink astral colors; 5) the shumif sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind; 6) one of the fifty-four compounded images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Twenty-ninth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “maw,” rhyming with thaw; 3) pure colors of nature as seen in flowers, trees and as the sun is rising and setting; 4) this sound produces a blend of soft pink, rich blue astral colors; 5) the shumif sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind; 6) one of the fifty-four compounded images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Thirtieth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “mawm,” rhyming with mom; 3) pure colors of nature as seen in flowers, trees and as the sun is rising and setting; 4) this sound produces a blend of soft pink, rich blue astral colors; 5) the shumif sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind; 6) one of the fifty-four compounded images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Thirty-first image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “beem,” rhyming with dream; 3) pure colors of nature as seen in flowers, trees and as the sun is rising and setting; 4) this sound produces a blend of bright blue, soft pink astral colors; 5) the shumif sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind; 6) one of the fifty-four compounded images of the Shum- Tyeif alphabet
1) Thirty-second image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “oom,” as in room; 3) pure colors of nature as seen in flowers, trees and as the sun is rising and setting; 4) this sound produces a blend of soft ivory, soft pink astral colors; 5) the shumif sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind; 6) one of the fifty-four compounded images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Thirty-third image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “moo,” as in moon; 3) pure colors of nature as seen in flowers, trees and as the sun is rising and setting; 4) this sound produces a blend of soft pink, soft ivory astral colors; 5) the shumif sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind; 6) one of the fifty-four compounded images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Thirty-fourth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “moom,” rhyming with room; 3) pure colors of nature as seen in flowers, trees and as the sun is rising and setting; 4) this sound produces a blend of soft pink, soft ivory astral colors; 5) the shumif sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind; 6) one of the fifty-four compounded images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Thirty-fifth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “nawm,” as in Vietnam; 3) pure colors of nature as seen in flowers, trees and as the sun is rising and setting; 4) this sound produces a blend of rich green, soft pink astral colors; 5) the shumif sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind; 6) one of the fifty-four compounded images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Thirty-sixth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a high pitched “seem,” rhyming with cream; 3) pure colors of nature as seen in flowers, trees and as the sun is rising and setting; 4) this sound produces a blend of bright red, soft pink astral colors; 5) the shumif sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind; 6) one of the fifty-four compounded images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Thirty-seventh image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “deem,” rhyming with dream; 3) pure colors of nature as seen in flowers, trees and as the sun is rising and setting; 4) this sound produces a blend of bright green, soft pink astral colors; 5) the shumif sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind; 6) one of the fifty-four compounded images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Thirty-eighth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a low pitched “baw,” rhyming with raw; 3) pure color of nature as seen in flowers, trees and as the sun is rising and setting; 4) this sound produces a dark blue astral color; 5) the shumif sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind; 6) one of the fifty-four compounded images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Thirty-ninth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a low pitched “saw,” rhyming with thaw; 3) pure color of nature as seen in flowers, trees and as the sun is rising and setting; 4) this sound produces a dark red astral color; 5) the shumif sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind; 6) one of the fifty-four compounded images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Fortieth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a low pitched “daw,” rhyming with straw; 3) pure color of nature as seen in flowers, trees and as the sun is rising and setting; 4) this sound produces a dark green astral color; 5) the shumif sadana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind; 6) one of the fifty-four compounded images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Forty-first image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet, 2) pronounced in a high pitched “eef,” as in reef; 3) pure color of nature as seen in flowers, trees and as the sun is rising and setting; 4) this sound produces a blend of bright yellow, white astral colors; 5) the shumif sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind; 6) one of the fifty-four compounded images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Forty-second image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a high pitched “leef,” rhyming with brief; 3) pure color of nature as seen in flowers, trees and as the sun is rising and setting; 4) this sound produces a blend of bright violet, white astral colors; 5) the shumif sadana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind; 6) one of the fifty-four compounded images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Forty-third image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet, 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “neef,” rhyming with thief; 3) pure color of nature as seen in flowers, trees and as the sun is rising and setting; 4) this sound produces a blend of rich yellow, white astral colors; 5) the shumif sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind; 6) one of the fifty-four compounded images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Forty-fourth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a high pitched “seef,” rhyming with grief; 3) pure color of nature as seen in flowers, trees and as the sun is rising and setting; 4) this sound produces a blend of bright red, white astral colors; 5) the shumif sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind; 6) one of the fifty-four compounded images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Forty-fifth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “deef,” rhyming with thief; 3) pure color of nature as seen in flowers, trees and as the sun is rising and setting; 4) this sound produces a blend of bright green, white astral colors; 5) the shumif sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind; 6) one of the fifty-four compounded images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Forty-sixth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a high pitched “eemf,” rhyming with theme, with an “f” sound added; 3) pure colors of nature as seen in flowers, trees and as the sun is rising and setting; 4) this sound produces a blend of bright yellow, soft pink, white astral colors; 5) the shumif sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind; 6) one of the fifty-four compounded images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Forty-seventh image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a high pitched “meef,” rhyming with reef; 3) pure colors of nature as seen in flowers, trees and as the sun is rising and setting; 4) this sound produces a blend of soft pink, bright yellow, white astral colors; 5) the shumif sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind; 6) one of the fifty-four compounded images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Forty-eighth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a high pitched “meemf,” rhyming with seem, with an “f” sound added; 3) pure colors of nature as seen in flowers, trees and as the sun is rising and setting; 4) this sound produces a blend of soft pink, bright yellow, white astral colors; 5) the shumif sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind; 6) one of the fifty-four compounded images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Forty-ninth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a high pitched “leemf,” rhyming with gleam, with an “f” sound added; 3) pure colors of nature as seen in flowers, trees and as the sun is rising and setting; 4) this sound produces a blend of bright violet, soft pink, white astral colors; 5) the shumif sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind; 6) one of the fifty-four compounded images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Fiftieth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a low pitched “law,” as in lawn; 3) pure colors of nature as seen in flowers, trees and as the sun is rising and setting; 4) this sound produces a blend of bright violet, rich blue astral colors; 5) the shumif sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind; 6) one of the fifty-four compounded images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Fifty-first image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a low pitched “lawm,” rhyming with prom; 3) pure colors of nature as seen in flowers, trees and as the sun is rising and setting; 4) this sound produces a blend of bright violet, rich blue, soft pink astral colors; 5) the shumif sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind; 6) one of the fifty-four compounded images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Fifty-second image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a low pitched “lawf,” rhyming with cough; 3) pure colors of nature as seen in flowers, trees and as the sun is rising and setting; 4) this sound produces a blend of bright violet, rich blue, white astral colors; 5) the shumif sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind; 6) one of the fifty-four compounded images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Fifty-third image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a low pitched “lawmf,” rhyming with prom, with an “f” sound added; 3) pure colors of nature as seen in flowers, trees and as the sun is rising and setting; 4) this sound produces a blend of bright violet, rich blue, soft pink, white astral colors; 5) the shumif sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind; 6) one of the fifty-four compounded images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Fifty-fourth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “neemf,” as in neem, with an “f” sound added; 3) pure colors of nature as seen in flowers, trees and as the sun is rising and setting; 4) this sound produces a blend of rich yellow, soft pink, white astral colors; 5) the shumif sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind; 6) one of the fifty-four compounded images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Fifty-fifth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “nyaw,” rhyming with draw; 3) pure colors of nature as seen in flowers, trees and as the sun is rising and setting; 4) this sound produces a blend of rich yellow, rich blue astral colors; 5) the shumif sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind; 6) one of the fifty-four compounded images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Fifty-sixth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “nyawm,” as in niyama; 3) pure colors of nature as seen in flowers, trees and as the sun is rising and setting; 4) this sound produces a blend of rich yellow, rich blue, soft pink astral colors; 5) the shumif sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind; 6) one of the fifty-four compounded images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Fifty-seventh image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “nyawf,” rhyming with off; 3) pure colors of nature as seen in flowers, trees and as the sun is rising and setting; 4) this sound produces a blend of rich yellow, rich blue, white astral colors; 5) the shumif sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind; 6) one of the fifty-four compounded images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Fifty-eighth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “nyawmf,” rhyming with Kampf; 3) pure colors of nature as seen in flowers, trees and as the sun is rising and setting; 4) this sound produces a blend of rich yellow, rich blue, soft pink, white astral colors; 5) the shumif sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind; 6) one of the fifty-four compounded images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Fifty-ninth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “beemf,” rhyming with beam, with an “f” sound at the end; 3) pure colors of nature as seen in flowers, trees and as the sun is rising and setting; 4) this sound produces a blend of bright blue, soft pink, white astral colors; 5) the shumif sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind; 6) one of the fifty-four compounded images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Sixtieth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “beef,” rhyming with reef; 3) pure color of nature as seen in flowers, trees and as the sun is rising and setting; 4) this sound produces a blend of bright blue, white astral colors; 5) the shumif sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind; 6) one of the fifty-four compounded images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Sixty-first image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “bawm,” rhyming with mom; 3) pure color of nature as seen in flowers, trees and as the sun is rising and setting; 4) this sound produces a blend of bright blue, rich blue, soft pink astral colors; 5) the shumif sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind; 6) one of the fifty-four compounded images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Sixty-second image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “bawf,” rhyming with off; 3) pure color of nature as seen in flowers, trees and as the sun is rising and setting; 4) this sound produces a blend of bright blue, rich blue, white astral colors; 5) the shumif sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind; 6) one of the fifty-four compounded images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Sixty-third image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitch “bawmf,” rhyming with bomb, with an “f” sound added; 3) pure colors of nature as seen in astral flowers, trees and as the sun is rising and setting; 4) this sound produces a blend of bright blue, rich blue, soft pink, white astral colors; 5) the shumif sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind; 6) one of the fifty-four compounded images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Sixty-fourth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a high pitched “seemf,” rhyming with seem, with an “f” sound added; 3) pure color of nature as seen in flowers, trees and as the sun is rising and setting; 4) this sound produces a blend of bright red, soft pink, white astral colors; 5) the shumif sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind; 6) one of the fifty-four compounded images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Sixty-fifth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a low pitched “sawm,” rhyming with Ram; 3) pure colors of nature as seen in flowers, trees and as the sun is rising and setting; 4) this sound produces a blend of dark red, rich blue, soft pink astral colors; 5) the shumif sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind; 6) one of the fifty-four compounded images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Sixty-sixth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “sawf,” rhyming with cough; 3) pure colors of nature as seen in flowers, trees and as the sun is rising and setting; 4) this sound produces a blend of dark red, rich blue, white astral colors; 5) the shumif sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind; 6) one of the fifty-four compounded images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Sixty-seventh image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “sawmf,” rhyming with Kampf; 3) pure colors of nature as seen in flowers, trees and as the sun is rising and setting; 4) this sound produces dark red, rich blue, soft pink, white astral colors; 5) the shumif sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind; 6) one of the fifty-four compounded images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Sixty-eighth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “deemf,” rhyming with deem, with an added “f” sound; 3) pure colors of nature as seen in flowers, trees and as the sun is rising and setting; 4) this sound produces a blend of bright green, rich blue, soft pink, white astral colors; 5) the shumif sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind; 6) one of the fifty-four compounded images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Sixty-ninth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a low pitched “dawm,” rhyming with Ram; 3) pure colors of nature as seen in flowers, trees and as the sun is rising and setting; 4) this sound produces a blend of dark green, rich blue, soft pink astral colors; 5) the shumif sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind; 6) one of the fifty-four compounded images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Seventieth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a low pitched “dawf,” rhyming with scoff; 3) pure colors of nature as seen in flowers, trees and as the sun is rising and setting; 4) this sound produces a blend of dark green, rich blue, white astral colors; 5) the shumif sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind; 6) one of the fifty-four compounded images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Seventy-first image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a low pitched “dawmf,” rhyming with Tom, with an “f” sound added; 3) pure colors of nature as seen in flowers, trees and as the sun is rising and setting; 4) this sound produces a blend of dark green, rich blue, soft pink, white astral colors; 5) the shumif sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind; 6) one of the fifty-four compounded images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Seventy-second image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “kaif,” rhyming with knife; 3) pure colors of nature as seen in flowers, trees and as the sun is rising and setting; 4) this sound produces a blend of turquoise, bright yellow, white astral colors; 5) the shumif sadhana of moving awareness into the nada-nadi area of mind where awareness is aware of itself as in a satchitananda state; 6) one of the images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Seventy-third image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a high pitched “haiee,” rhyming with why; 3) one of the eighteen pigment colors made from nature; 4) this sound produces a soft pale green pigment; 5) the mulif sadhana of moving awareness into the external area of mind of color and then visualizing the same; 6) one of the images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Seventy-fourth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “im,” as in him; 3) one of the eighteen pigment colors made from nature; 4) this sound produces a bright lavender pigment; 5) the mulif sadhana of moving awareness into the external area of mind of color and then visualizing the same; 6) one of the images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Seventy-fifth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “in,” as in inside; 3) one of the eighteen pigment colors made from nature; 4) this sound produces a soft blue pigment; 5) the mulif sadhana of moving awareness into the external area of mind of color and then visualizing the same; 6) one of the images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Seventy-sixth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a high pitched “lin,” rhyming with tin; 3) one of the eighteen pigment colors made from nature; 4) this sound produces a soft turquoise pigment; 5) the mulif sadhana of moving awareness into the external area of mind of color and then visualizing the same; 6) one of the images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Seventy-seventh image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a high pitched “tee,” as in teen; 3) one of the eighteen pigment colors made from nature; 4) this sound produces a rich orange pigment; 5) the mulif sadhana of moving awareness into the external area of mind of color and then visualizing the same; 6) one of the images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Seventy-eighth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “yaw,” rhyming with saw; 3) one of the eighteen pigment colors made from nature; 4) this sound produces a rich deep blue pigment; 5) the mulif sadhana of moving awareness into the external area of mind of color and then visualizing the same; 6) one of the images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Seventy-ninth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “cha” as in cha-cha; 3) one of the eighteen pigment colors made from nature; 4) this sound produces a soft green pigment; 5) the mulif sadhana of moving awareness into the external area of mind of color and then visualizing the same; 6) one of the images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Eightieth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “hee,” rhyming with tree; 3) one of the eighteen pigment colors made from nature; 4) this sound produces a soft pale yellow pigment; 5) the mulif sadhana of moving awareness into the external area of mind of color and then visualizing the same; 6) one of the images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Eighty-first image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “va,” rhyming with draw; 3) one of the eighteen pigment colors made from nature; 4) this sound produces a rich deep purple pigment; 5) the mulif sadhana of moving awareness into the external area of mind of color and then visualizing the same; 6) one of the images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Eighty-second image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “zaw,” rhyming with raw; 3) one of the eighteen pigment colors made from nature; 4) this sound produces a bright red pigment; 5) the mulif sadhana of moving awareness into the external area of mind of color and then visualizing the same; 6) one of the images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Eighty-third image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “taw,” rhyming with saw; 3) one of the eighteen pigment colors made from nature; 4) this sound produces a bright peach pigment; 5) the mulif sadhana of moving awareness into the external area of mind of color and then visualizing the same; 6) one of the images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Eighty-fourth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “yoo,” as in yuga; 3) one of the eighteen pigment colors made from nature; 4) this sound produces a soft purple pigment; 5) the mulif sadhana of moving awareness into the external area of mind of color and then visualizing the same; 6) one of the images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Eighty-fifth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a high pitched “vee,” as in visa; 3) one of the eighteen pigment colors made from nature; 4) this sound produces a subdued purple pigment; 5) the mulif sadhana of moving awareness into the external area of mind of color and then visualizing the same; 6) one of the images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Eighty-sixth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “wa” as in water; 3) one of the eighteen pigment colors made from nature; 4) this sound produces a subdued blue pigment; 5) the mulif sadhana of moving awareness into the external area of mind of color and then visualizing the same; 6) one of the images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Eighty-seventh image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “ung,” as in sung; 3) one of the eighteen pigment colors made from nature; 4) this sound produces a subdued soft blue pigment; 5) the mulif sadhana of moving awareness into the external area of mind of color and then visualizing the same; 6) one of the images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Eighty-eighth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “shaw,” rhyming with draw; 3) one of the eighteen pigment colors made from nature; 4) this sound produces a rich red pigment; 5) the mulif sadhana of moving awareness into the external area of mind of color and then visualizing the same; 6) one of the images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Eighty-ninth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a high pitched “jee,” as in jiva; 3) one of the eighteen pigment colors made from nature; 4) this sound produces a rich green pigment; 5) the mulif sadhana of moving awareness into the external area of mind of color and then visualizing the same; 6) one of the images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Ninetieth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a high pitched “eeawf,” “ee,” followed by “off”; 3) one of the eighteen pigment colors made from nature; 4) this sound produces a soft green pigment; 5) the mulif sadhana of moving awareness into the external area of mind of color and then visualizing the same; 6) one of the images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Ninety-first image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “exzoo,” as in exude; 3) one of the eighteen metallic colors found within astral earth; 4) this sound produces a subdued metallic orange color; 5) the símnif sadhana of moving awareness into inner astral area of mind into the astral earth; 6) one of the images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Ninety-second image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “buh,” as in bubble; 3) one of the eighteen metallic colors found within astral earth; 4) this sound produces a rich metallic blue astral color; 5) the símnif sadhana of moving awareness into inner astral area of mind into the earth; 6) one of the images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Ninety-third image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “shuh,” as in shove; 3) one of the eighteen metallic colors found within astral earth; 4) this sound produces a soft metallic red astral color; 5) the símnif sadhana of moving awareness into inner astral area of mind into the earth; 6) one of the images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Ninety-fourth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “duh,” as in dove; 3) one of the eighteen metallic colors found within astral earth; 4) this sound produces a rich metallic green astral color; 5) the símnif sadhana of moving awareness into inner astral area of mind into the earth; 6) one of the images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Ninety-fifth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “eh,” as in effort; 3) one of the eighteen metallic colors found within astral earth; 4) this sound produces rich metallic yellow astral color; 5) the símnif sadhana of moving awareness into inner astral area of mind into the earth; 6) one of the images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Ninety-sixth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “fawh,” as in father; 3) one of the eighteen metallic colors found within astral earth; 4) this sound produces a soft metallic blue astral color; 5) the símnif sadhana of moving awareness into inner astral area of mind into the earth; 6) one of the images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Ninety-seventh image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “guh,” as in guff; 3) one of the eighteen metallic colors found within astral earth; 4) this sound produces a soft metallic turquoise astral color; 5) the símnif sadhana of moving awareness into inner astral area of mind into the earth; 6) one of the images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Ninety-eighth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “huh,” as in huff; 3) one of the eighteen metallic colors found within astral earth; 4) this sound produces a soft metallic blue astral color; 5) the símnif sadhana of moving awareness into inner astral area of mind into the earth; 6) one of the images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) Ninety-ninth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a high pitched “ayee,” as in eiffel Tower; 3) one of the eighteen metallic colors found within astral earth; 4) this sound produces soft metallic green astral color; 5) the símnif sadhana of moving awareness into inner astral area of mind into the earth; 6) one of the images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) One hundredth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “jaw,” rhyming with flaw; 3) one of the eighteen metallic colors found within astral earth; 4) this sound produces a rich metallic turquoise astral color; 5) the símnif sadhana of moving awareness into inner astral area of mind into the earth; 6) one of the images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) One hundred and first image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a high pitched “kaiee,” ryhming with Haway; 3) one of the eighteen metallic colors found within astral earth; 4) this sound produces a bright metallic turquoise astral color; 5) the símnif sadhana of moving awareness into inner astral area of mind into the earth; 6) one of the images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) One hundred and second image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “luh,” as in lumber; 3) one of the eighteen metallic colors found within astral earth; 4) this sound produces a rich metallic violet astral color; 5) the símnif sadhana of moving awareness into inner astral area of mind into the earth; 6) one of the images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) One hundred and third image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “muh,” as in muck; 3) one of the eighteen metallic colors found within astral earth; 4) this sound produces a soft metallic violet astral color; 5) the símnif sadhana of moving awareness into inner astral area of mind into the earth; 6) one of the images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) One hundred and fourth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “nuh,” as in nut; 3) one of the eighteen metallic colors found within astral earth; 4) this sound produces a soft metallic green astral color; 5) the símnif sadhana of moving awareness into inner astral area of mind into the earth; 6) one of the images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) One hundred and fifth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “oh,” as in only; 3) one of the eighteen metallic colors found within astral earth; 4) this sound produces a rich metallic ivory astral color; 5) the símnif sadhana of moving awareness into inner astral area of mind into the earth; 6) one of the images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) One hundred and sixth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “puh,” as in pun; 3) one of the eighteen metallic colors found within astral earth; 4) this sound produces a rich metallic purple astral color; 5) the simnif sadhana of moving awareness into inner astral area of mind into the earth; 6) one of the images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) One hundred and seventh image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “qua,” as in quality; 3) one of the eighteen metallic colors found within astral earth; 4) this sound produces a light metallic green astral color; 5) the símnif sadhana of moving awareness into inner astral area of mind into the inner earth; 6) one of the images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet
1) One hundred and eighth image of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet; 2) pronounced in a moderate pitched “ruh,” as in rugged; 3) one of the eighteen metallic colors found within astral earth; 4) this sound produces a rich metallic astral brownish orange; 5) the símnif sadhana of moving awareness into inner astral area of mind into the inner earth; 6) one of the images of the Shum-Tyeif alphabet

108 Shum Images in Slideshow Form

108 Shum Images in Automated Slideshow

Gurudeva Speaks the Alphabet

In the late 1960s Gurudeva personally recorded the sounds of the Shum alphabet up to image seventy-one.

Gurudeva introduces and then pronounces the first 45 images slowly, repeating each three times
Gurudeva speaks the first 45 images of Shum quickly
Gurudeva quickly speaks Shum images 46-71
Shum images 72-108 spoken by Gurudeva’s cloned voice from the late 1990s

Seven Dimensions of the Mind

The seven dimensions provide a positive and helpful way of looking at life and understanding the experiences we have on the inward path. By identifying experience as being within one dimension or another, we are able to know at all times just where we are in consciousness, and that knowledge facilitates the control over awareness that we need to continue the upward climb. When we practice meditation, we are not conscious in the first, second or third dimensions of the mind but are conscious in the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh dimensions. From the deepest perspective, we are flowing through all of the dimensions at all times. They all exist in total completion right now within us. However, we are only conscious periodically in one or another of them as awareness magnifies itself and registers the dimension by focusing upon it, shall we say.

The First Dimension

The first dimension is the inside of things that you cannot see or touch. The inside of a piece of fruit is the first dimension; the outside or surface of the fruit is the second dimension. The inside of the physical body, the Earth, a tree and a stone—these all lie in the first dimension. To bring the first dimension out, simply open up the fruit. The part that was previously unseen as well as untouched, but which is now visible and tangible, has been brought into the second dimension.

Within the first dimension of the mind, there are energy flows. Energy in its static state, energy spinning, energy lifting, pushing, pulling, rising, falling, attracting, repelling, changing form, filling, emptying, appearing and disappearing. Eighteen forms of energy exist in the first dimension, interacting and causing the phenomena observed in the physical world and studied by science as gravity, momentum, inertia, magnetism, electricity and various forces. We can see these energy flows readily in nature as we witness without holding previous concepts the actions and interactions within plants, within stones, within water, wind and fire.

The Second Dimension

The second dimension consists of things which can be both seen and touched—the surfaces of objects such as flowers, stones and water. When we observe these objects without thinking about them, without feeling like or dislike—just pure perception—then we are aware of the second dimension. It appears flat, consisting of only two layers of form, for it is seen without evaluation or analysis which gives depth to our observations. If we close our eyes and then open them very slowly, holding the mind steady, we can sit without relating to anything we see and therefore see it objectively as it is. This flat view of the world of objects can be experienced more easily by opening just one eye than with both eyes open.

There is a tendency to get involved with what we see when both eyes are open. What we perceive are things that can be identified with the five senses—things we can smell, hear, touch, taste and see. These perceptions are all two-dimensional through the senses; but through interpretation they do flow into deeper dimensions of the mind. The second dimension is the exterior world, which most languages describe abundantly, making it seem real to us and giving it a sense of permanency, for man’s mind gives substance or recognition to things that are named or labeled.

The Third Dimension

It is in the third dimension that most people live most of the time. This is the world of thoughts and feelings, of emotions and intellectual theory. Within the changing world of the third dimension are two basic and intricate energy flows. The first is a flow of force between people and things. This is a one-way flow through which people relate to objects. The second is a flow between two people or more and also between people and animals.

Visualize a stream of energy generated in the body by the processes of life. This energy, or prāṇa, constantly flows out from the central source of energy and constitutes the aura, constitutes the physical energy that moves the body, constitutes thoughts and feelings. This prāṇa creates a force field around the body. As soon as two people associate, these force fields interact, or the two energy streams interchange. Should these energies be of a like nature, the result is friendship. When we understand these energies as they combine, attract and repel in human relationships, we then begin to discover the constituent parts of what we call the world.

The Fourth Dimension

From the vantage point of the fourth dimension we can view the building of emotional involvements within the third dimension, observing the workings of the emotional and intellectual units of ourselves and others. From this detachment we gain the ability to dissolve confusions, conflicts and the various and varied entanglements that are encountered daily.

In the fourth dimension, the first glimmer of inner light within the head is seen. It is usually a pale, moon-like glow seen at the top of the head. This dimension gives us a “mountaintop consciousness” that looks over, in and through everything and gives the facility to enjoy and participate fully in the world while knowing at all times exactly where we are in the mind. Artists are in the fourth dimension. Each time you designed or created anything, you were bringing the beauty of the within through your nerve system into manifestation. It is a beautiful place to be, and you can be there all of the time by feeling the power of your spine. The minute you feel that radiant energy in the spine you are disconnected from the third dimension and soar into the fourth.

The Fifth Dimension

The fifth dimension is the superconscious area from which the clear white light is inwardly seen to fill the head. In the fifth dimension, we have no sense of ego, no personal me or mine which, after all, are composed of the elements of the second and third dimensions. People who are conscious in the fifth dimension have a deep universal love for other people. They are often humanitarians. Life for them is a joyous, even blissful experience, with events happening in perfect timing. They hold the perspective that all is well in the world.

In the fifth dimension of the mind the total evolution of form is perceived. If you were to see a person from the fifth dimension, you would see him as an infant, a grown man, an old man, as dead, decayed and reborn right now. It’s the same with everything. Great inventions and music have come from the fifth dimension in a flash. The still, small voice, or the inner voice, comes directly from the fifth dimension. From the fifth dimension we can look millions of years into the past, the ākāśic records, or project an object into the future according to vibratory rate.

The Sixth Dimension

The sixth dimension is color, sound and vibration, as well as subtle forms and beings composed of these elements. The colors of the sixth dimension are unlike colors we have ever seen on the surface of the Earth. They are brighter, yet more subtle, and they mix and mingle. In other words, colors pass into and through each other, creating exquisite varieties of color with form. Science has recently discovered the sixth dimension. It tells us that all matter is energy in a grosser form and that even a chair can be reduced to sound and color at a sub-molecular level.

The inner mechanism of the human aura, the inner mechanism of thought forms, the inner mechanism of the astral plane and the superconscious body of light, the beautiful actinic body of light, are all within this sixth dimension. As man comes into the sixth dimension, the fifth-dimensional experience in which the clear white light is inwardly seen to fill the head deepens as light extends throughout the physical body and can even be seen in the feet as he walks. Temple Deities are sixth-dimensional beings. When we visit temples, they actually do hear and see our supplications. Great beings who no longer need a physical body also reside in this dimension.

The Seventh Dimension

The seventh dimension is clear inner space—not clear white light, just clear space. Whereas in the sixth dimension one experiences an intensity of inner light that glows in every cell of the body—through the torso, the hands, legs and feet—in the seventh dimension he comes into pure inner space, seeing within himself a vast space that goes on and on and on like an infinite inner sky. One deeply immersed in the seventh dimension would be aware of being aware, without an awareness of light. In a sense, he would be above the vibratory rate of light—and, with no thing to be aware of, awareness becomes conscious of itself.

Awareness can expand into the endless inner space of the seventh dimension or contract into being completely aware of itself—kaīf». The experience of kaīf» is simple; our concepts about it are the biggest barrier. We often feel that pure consciousness must be earned by a saintly life, and we generally know our life well enough to disqualify ourselves. However, anyone can experience kaīf», awareness aware of itself, for brief interludes. Therefore, although kaīf» is itself easy to attain, it is indeed difficult to sustain for longer periods and even more difficult to dissolve into īimage» kaīf», Self Realization.



1) The first dimension; conscious mind; 2) the inside of physical objects, which you cannot see or touch; 3) the objects are in the conscious plane; 4) there are energy flows within this dimension


1) The second dimension; conscious mind; 2) the outside of physical objects in the conscious plane, which you can see and touch; 3) the surfaces of objects, such as flowers, stones or water


1) Third dimension; subconscious mind; 2) the interrelated magnetic forces in the astral plane that exist between people and between people and their things; 3) the world of thoughts and feelings, of emotions and intellectual theory; 4) this dimension relates to the first three kamshumalínga—akylisímbi, rehnamtyevum and bivumbika


1) Fourth dimension; subsuperconscious mind; 2) awareness cognizing the interrelated forces of the fifth, fourth and third dimensions; 3) from this detachment we gain the ability to dissolve confusions, conflicts and the various and varied entanglements that are encountered daily; 4) the realm of artistic creativity; 5) here is the resting place where we look in and up and out and down; 6) consciousness should never go lower, but when soaring higher returns to this resting place, the fourth dimension; 7) this dimension relates to the kamshumalínga rehmtyenali; 8) to experience the portraits within this dimension, look at the world from the chest area


1) Fifth dimension; subsuperconscious mind; 2) awareness of forms in their totality in progressive states of manifestation; 3) consciousness of a deep universal love for other people; 4) the dimension that opens the doors into the akasha; 5) the inner voice comes directly from this dimension; 6) this dimension relates to the kamshumalínga kalingkasim°; 7) to experience the portraits within this dimension, look out from the throat area


1) Sixth dimension; superconscious mind; 2) the rarefied area of mind of color, sound and vibration, as well as subtle forms and beings composed of these elements; 3) temple Deities are sixth-dimensional beings; 4) great beings who no longer need a physical body also reside in this dimension; 5) this dimension relates to the kamshumalínga tyemavumna; 6) to experience the monograms within this dimension, look out from between the eyes


1) Seventh dimension; superconscious mind; 2) clear, endless inner space; 3) not clear white light, just clear space; 4) above the vibratory rate of light and with no thing to be aware of, awareness becomes conscious of itself; 5) awareness can expand into the endless inner space of this dimension or contract into being completely aware of itself—kaif»; 6) this dimension relates to the kamshumalínga kamakadiisareh; 7) to experience the collages within this dimension, look at the inner world through the top of the head

The Seven Chakras

In his descriptions of the mamsani maa, Gurudeva makes occasional references to the chakras, called kamshumalínga in Shum. This brief lexicon describing the seven chakras is presented as a reference for those wanting a simple introduction to the chakras and their spheres of influence.


1) Any of the chakras, which are nerve plexes or centers of force and consciousness within the inner bodies of man; 2) refers to all twenty-one chakras—the seven principal chakras, the seven chakras or nadis above the crown of the head and the seven chakras below the muladhara; 3) through transmutation, one unfolds through the seven principal kamshumalínga maa as awareness and kundalini break the seals of these force centers; 4) the kamshumalínga maa may also be understood as windows of mind or consciousness through which awareness looks out or in on the phenomenal world; each window has its own influence and coloring effect on the process of perception


1) The first of the primary chakras, named mūlādhāra in Sanskrit; 2) attribute—memory, time, space; 3) located at the base of the spine; 4) color—red; planet—Mercury; element—earth; sense—smell; petals—four; pañchākshara mantra letter—na; 5) the pranayama associated with this chakra is to breathe in two short breaths through the nose and out two short breaths through the mouth; this can be done in preparation for the meditation or also while walking fast and swinging the arms


1) The second chakra, named svādhishṭhāna in Sanskrit; 2) attribute—reason; 3) located at the navel; 4) color—reddish orange; planet—Venus; element—water; sense—taste; petals—six; pañchākshara mantra letter—ma


1) The third chakra, named maṇipūra in Sanskrit; 2) attribute—willpower; 3) located at the solar plexus; 4) color—yellow amber; planet—Mars; element—fire; sense—sight; petals—ten; pañchākshara mantra letter—Si; 5) the pranayama associated with this chakra is to breathe in nine counts through the nose and then very slowly breathe out eighteen counts while holding the lips slightly open, forcing the exhaled air to pass slowly out through the mouth


1) The fourth chakra, named anāhata in Sanskrit; 2) attribute—direct cognition; 3) located at the heart; 4) this chakra is the resting place; 5) color—smokey green; planet—Jupiter; element—air; sense—touch; petals—twelve; pañchākshara mantra letter—va; 6) the breathing is normal, but on the inbreath allow the prana to go down and on the outbreath lift the prana into bivumbika


1) The fifth chakra, named viśuddha in Sanskrit; 2) attribute—divine love; 3) located at the throat; 4) it is here where magical powers exist, and it is here that the past is dissolved and the vision of a positive, productive future is revealed; 5) color—smokey purple blue; planet—Saturn; element—ether; sense—hearing; petals—sixteen; pañchākshara mantra letter—ya


1) The sixth chakra, named ājñā in Sanskrit; 2) attribute—divine sight; 3) located at the third eye (between the two physical eyes); 4) relates to language and speech; 5) it is the area of the mind where, through the third eye, mystics can scan the universe; 6) it is the area where past, present and future are seen as one; 7) it is the third eye that sees all, for it is within all at every point in time; 8) only when the awareness moves into this chakra do the two petals open from deep within the chakra above, and divine sight comes; 9) color—lavender; planet—uranus; element—mahātattva; sense—intuition; petals—two; the aum of the pañchākshara mantra


1) The seventh chakra, named sahasrāra in Sanskrit; 2) attribute—illumination; 3) located at the crown of the head; 4) in the area of the mind of the sahasrāra chakra in full bloom, a radiant display of lights of various pastel colors is seen; 5) it is mystically seen extending above the head as a thousand-petaled lotus made of quantums of light particles; 6) this center of divine, actinic force holds the intelligence of the inner and outer bodies; 7) its center holds the secrets of divine sight; 8) the door to the universe; 9) color—gold; planet—Neptune; element/sense—śūnya (void); petals—one thousand and eight

Technical Language Rules

Images Combined, Called Sifmif

When two or more Shum images are combined, they form various types of words representing the 14 dimensions of the inner mind. These types are named according to how many images are present, as follows:

A word of two images is called a second dimensional picture. Example– “kasi”.
A word of three images is called a third dimensional picture. Example– “amkasi”.


A word of four images is called a fourth dimensional portrait. Example– “liamkasi”.
A word of five images is called a fifth dimensional portrait. Example– “símliamkasi”.


A word of six images is called a sixth dimensional monogram. Example– “ínsímliamkasi”.


A word of seven images is called a seventh dimensional collage. Example– “iínsímliamkasi”.


Note: A single images is referred to as a first dimensional picture unless it has a “f” attached, then it would be a fourth dimensional portrait.

Calligraphy, Called Sifmimf

Shum calligraphy is the art of drawing a Picture, Portrait, Monogram or Collage, with extensions and marks.

Character 140, a small circle ° shown in the full alphabet above, represents m’, adding two dimensions to a word.

Character 138, a horizontal line shown in the full alphabet above, represents i, adding two dimensions to a word. In English script it is transliterated as =.

Character 148, a vertical line after an image, adds two dimensions to a word. In English script it is transliterated as >>.

One or two dots over an image changes the pronunciation of the image.

Two-Image Uniqueness, Called Difif

No two initial images or symbols of a Shum word are the same. Another way to state it is, the combination of two images or two symbols at the beginning of a word can only occur in that one word.

For example, the extensions of sareh are isareh, diisareh, kadiisareh, makadiisareh and kamakadiisareh. The two initial images of each that do not appear at the beginning of any other word are:, di.i, ka.di, ma.ka and This allows each each Shum word to be abbreviated by its first two images, which are unique to it.

The two-image abbreviation is called its ninth dimensional Tyeif profile. There are 18,360 possible Tyeif profiles or possible words in the Shum Tyeif language.

Extension Groupings, Called Diflif

All words or portraits begin in the fourth dimension. There are no third or second dimensional pictures that stand alone; they are all a part of one word in the fourth, fifth, sixth or seventh dimension. Each is an extension of the one above, such as: ma ka di i sa reh is an extension of ka ma ka di i sa reh, and ka di i sa reh is an extension of ma ka di i sa reh, and so forth, down to the first-dimensional word, which is reh.

Shum Calligraphy


(Most of the following descriptions were written by Gurudeva just before 1970.)

Shum is a written language as well as a spoken language, as well as an inner language which you, in a sense, speak to yourself during meditation to find your way around in superconsciousness. Shum calligraphy—like all fine calligraphy—is a contemplative art, a beautiful art to take your time with and enjoy. Whenever you write Shum, take your time. Enjoy it, it is satisfying, and it is fun, too. True, we’re in an age where time is at a premium. However, that then makes time a luxury as well. The contemplative artist is one who has all the time in the world. When it comes to the study of Shum, the speaking of Shum and the writing of Shum, feel the essence of each image, feel its shape and feel its color. Hear the image speak to you as you scribe it with that special pen you reserve just for writing Shum. lt should have a soft point so that the shapes of the images come forth free-flowing and easy. Thin lines and broad lines make up a beautiful art form for you to master. Feel the energies flow through your spine, down through your arm and out through the pen onto and into the paper, magnetizing it with the meaning and essence of the portraits and pictures you are writing. Contemplate on the energy which is bringing forth the beautiful images of the Shum script, revealing deep, hidden concepts of superconsciousness. The more beautifully you scribe the images, the more time you take—scribe each one on the breath—the better you will feel, the deeper you will go. Shum calligraphy, like all fine calligraphy, is a contemplative art, an art for you to learn this year, to be proud of. You will love it.

You may wish to embroider in Shum. The Shum maps of meditation known as are wonderful to embroider. This will take you quite a while, but it is a contemplative art, and there is no hurry. Put in each stitch with thoughts of love and light. You will benefit, and those looking at your creation will, too. With each stitch, try to soar into the same area of the mind that I was in when first hearing the inner sounds of the Shum language.

Proportions of Images

Shum images generally have three parts: the line, the stem and the curl. Some images have a double stem, or half a stem, and some have no stem at all.

Here are the first eighteen images (letters) of the alphabet overlaid on graph paper to show the height and width of each portion. Using this as a guide, it is suggested to draw the images on blank graph paper for a while to train your subconscious on the proportions. Make the curves with care, try to sense the inner feeling within the curves. Check carefully your proportions against this master sheet. 

Rules for Connecting Images

As you scribe Shum upon paper, upon stones, upon fabric, upon whatever you find that’s a beautiful thing to write Shum upon, you will find that the way the images are connected together to form words is very precise. You can memorize the rules of writing, or you can just memorize how each portrait or picture is written. The basic images are connected to the preceding image one stem down. When that cannot happen without lines touching or overlapping, then the connection is made one and one half stems down. Or they are connected at the top. That’s the way it all fell into place the summer of 1968 when Shum burst forth to the world. There are a few special cases, too. Following are examples of the three rules and special cases.

Rule 1: When a connection is made between two Shum images, the second generally drops down one stem.

Rule 2: When Rule #1 cannot be applied without the two images overlapping, then the drop is made 1 1/2 stems down.

Rule 3: When Rule #1 or #2 cannot be applied without overlapping then the connection is made with no drop.

Special Cases

Note: Each of these exceptions to the rule has its own “logic.” The easiest way to remember them is to use the sense they make.

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