September Krittika Homa

Aum Sivaya!

Krittika Homa is held monthly at Iraivan Temple, with Satguru always in attendance. Out of curiosity, we asked ChatGPT about Krittika Homa, and here is the answer it provided. Its response isn’t perfect, but it was better than expected:

The Krittika Homa, associated with Lord Shiva, is a ritual performed for various purposes, including purification, blessings and spiritual upliftment. It typically involves invoking the Krittikas (the Pleiades constellation) along with the worship of Shiva.

Key Elements of Krittika Homa for Shiva:

1. Preparation: Cleanse the area and set up an altar with images or murtis of Lord Shiva. Gather offerings such as flowers, fruits, ghee and specific grains.

2. Mantras: Recite specific Vedic mantras dedicated to Lord Shiva and the Krittikas. The chanting of “Om Namah Shivaya” is often central to the ritual.

3. Fire Offering: A sacred fire is lit, into which offerings are made while chanting. This symbolizes the connection between the material and spiritual realms.

4. Prayers and Intentions: State your intentions for the Homa, which could include seeking blessings, prosperity, health or spiritual growth.

5. Aarti and Pradakshina: Conclude the ritual with Aarti (a devotional chant) and circumambulation around the altar.


• Spiritual purification and enlightenment.

• Removal of obstacles and negativity.

• Enhanced connection with divine energies.

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