Jai Ganesha! As many have seen in our latest posts, Yoginathaswami and Nirvani Tejadevanatha recently visited Malaysia. A large part of their mission was to hold youth workshops (and maybe even recruit a few monks for our monastery!). Yoginathaswami came up with the brilliant idea to do a short video about the monastery and monastic life. So, our monks collectively came up with a plan to create a video that showcased the beauty of the monastery and featured what the monks do and what kind to teachings monastic life provides. Kodiswara was given the special task of creating the video. He interviewed the monks, asking questions prepared by our GK members. Our mathavasis gave some wonderful answer to all the questions, greatly enhancing the quality of the video. The video was played for all the members and students who attend the workshops in Malaysia. As few people around the globe tend to understand what a monastic life is like, we thought this video would help to inspire and educate youngsters about this great monastic path. The video was initially only intended for the workshop, but we thought with would make a great addition to TAKA. We hope it gives everyone a new insight into monastic life at Kauai Aadheenam. Grab some popcorn and enjoy!

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