Here we have the straight path, the San Marga, which has been brought to Earth on the garden island of Kauai. San Marga, the straight path to God, has been named the San Marga Sanctuary. In this Sanctuary each one expresses his or her Truth as seen at that particular place on the Path of San Marga, the path to ī» kaīf», the realization of eternal Paraśiva. Ī» kaīf» is not the name of the ultimate state. It names the eradication of the name which names the brink of the Absolute, of the ultimate state, because in the Shūm language, ī means “no.” Ī» kaīf» means no awareness aware of itself, elimination of, the perpetuation of, and is the fulfillment of everything. The very nature of the construction of this most important word in the Shūm language tells us that, “That which is Absolute Reality cannot bear a name.” Ī» kaīf» is an intense state of īī» kaīf», when awareness withdraws all energies from all bodies into a peak experience. Awareness’s elimination of itself. The experience of ī» kaīf» may be brief. Ī» kaīf» is where time stops. Ī» kaīf» does not name what is found from the experience. It only names the entrance and what happens to kaīf». In the mamsanī illustration, makaif», kaīf», īī» kaīf» and īm» kaīf» are in stylized, artistic form and do not reflect the formal spelling.§
1) The philosophy of the inner path of enlightenment found within the vocabulary and structure of the Shūm language; 2) Shūm and Tyēīf delineate the inner path to the absolute reality, Paraśiva; 3) the collage makaif» opens the area of the mind that makes the Shūm language easy to learn by drawing forth insights from the superconscious.§
kaīf» 07.41.148§
1) Pure awareness aware only of itself; 2) feel yourself going in and in and in, into the seventh-dimensional area of the mind called kaīf», being aware of simply being aware; 3) it only takes a moment to become aware of being aware, but to hold this state for any length of time, preparation has to be made.§
īī» kaīf» 01.01.148 07.41.148§
1) A state between kaīf» and ī» kaīf»; 2) when we only hear the nāda, or “eee,” and we are totally aware of it with no distractions, this is called īī» kaīf»; 3) the state of consciousness when only the nāda is heard, and awareness is not conscious of another sound; 3) a high tone within the head that is often heard, which has the sound of “eee;” 4) this state comes after we experience prolonged periods of kaīf».§
ī» kaīf» 01.02.148 07.41.148§
1) Pure awareness aware only of itself, dissolving; 2) the intense state of kaīf» when awareness withdraws all energies from all bodies into a peak experience; 3) kaīf» eliminates itself, or the locus of awareness dissolves, as the superconscious being of man, lamf, returns to its source; this experience may be brief; 4) ī» kaīf» does not name what is found from the experience, it only names the entrance and what happens to kaīf».§