The History of Hindu India


The Seven Chakras

Metaphysics is the inner scientific study of reality beyond our five senses. Many religions believe in the existence of the soul, heaven, God and God’s love for man. These are metaphysical concepts because we cannot hear, see, smell, taste or touch any of them.§

The system of chakras is a key metaphysical concept in Hinduism. The Sanskrit word chakra means “wheel.” A chakra is a center of energy and consciousness in our spiritual body, or soul. There are seven chakras, located from the base of the spine up to the top of the head. Through the lower three chakras, we interact with the world of our five senses. Through the higher four chakras, we perceive and interact with the reality beyond our five senses—the world of metaphysics.§

Great Hindu saints have seen and described these energy centers, though not all in the same way. According to Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami (founder of HINDUISM TODAY), the seven chakras govern the faculties of: 1) memory; 2) reason; 3) willpower; 4) direct cognition; 5) divine love; 6) divine sight and 7) enlightenment. Mystics tell us that the chakras look like lotus flowers of different colors and numbers of petals.§

The chakras are always active, but most people only experience the first three. As they evolve spiritually, they become aware of the higher ones. A great writer may use the fourth chakra’s power of direct cognition. A person filled with love for all mankind is experiencing the fifth chakra. Someone seeing into the future through the power of divine sight is experiencing the sixth chakra. Through the seventh chakra, we can directly experience God and awaken miraculous powers.§

Weaving through the chakras in the spiritual body are three nadis, or energy channels, which flow through the spine. The ida nadi, associated with the moon, is pink, emotional and feminine in nature. The pingala nadi, associated with the sun, is blue, logical and masculine in nature. Most women function mainly in the ida current. Most men function mainly in the pingala current. The yellow sushumna nadi is the channel of pure spiritual energy, flowing through the center of the spine. A highly spiritual person seeks to balance the ida and pingala and live in the pure energy of the sushumna.§



  1. Discuss: Is the belief in angels a metaphysical concept? What about UFOs? Examine beliefs such as global warming, hell, karma, reincarnation, the Golden Rule, evolution and freedom of speech. Which are metaphysical? Why?
  2. Analyze: Review your day and assign your actions and thoughts to the appropriate chakra and nadi. What does this say about how you live and think?
  3. Explain: Why do you think it is necessary to balance the masculine and feminine nadis to live in the pure spiritual current?

Word Help§


thought, awareness, perception§

direct cognition§

knowing something immediately through intuition, rather than through the senses or reason§


the highest human experience; realization of Divinity§


a person who lives in the chakras of higher consciousness, seeking direct knowledge of God§