Seven Dimensions Of the Mind: A Mystical Map of Existence And Consciousness

Dance of Creation§

(Each poem is a separate eighth-dimensional Shum word, after comma.)§


Once upon an infinite, long, long ago, before time existed and way, way into the future the Dancer danced, making all vanish in a roar and appear within a silent noise for there were no ears to hear, the Dancer danced alone, the Dancer danced this dance alone.§


The Dancer’s dance of grace and rhythm performing only for the mirror of consciousness, viewing in cosmic enjoyment, as the Dancer danced, vibration began occurring as powerful, never ceasing, moving movements emanated and mingled into a constant sound made of the many vibrations, and then into a constant rhythm that moved the Dancer’s dance into a frenzy of furiousness.§


Hair flying, head moving, heart pounding, arms flinging and the hands giving forth messages, the Dancer magically created light from the constant sounds; so long, long ago this happened, beyond all memories, and, we are told, far, far into the future beyond imagination will it happen again. It will be the time for movement, sound and light manifesting time; it will be the time when the last dance has been performed and the eternal Dancer sits in the silence of eternity and breathes in the last and final breath.§


A leap into the future, a dip into the past, a moment in the moment of all moments, this is the way this Dancer danced, is now dancing and will dance on into future moments, impulse, pulse, creation, impulse, pulse, creation, impulse, pulse, creation, the eternal manifestation of forms and the space between them, energy flowing and lights flashing, sounds brimming with beauty. Who could hesitate to dance with the Dancer, invited or not?§


Dancing with the Dancer is the ultimate experience of a culmination of oh-so-many, many lives. Dancing with the Dancer gives moments into the far-off future and pleasant happenings within the present of each of those moments. Dancing with the Dancer, moving impulsively to the constant pulse, creating as the two become one in sound, light, color and movement in the infinite energies, the dancers are one, the dancers are one.§


Time and space and the time it takes to traverse the space, as well as the space that is taken up by creation within time as the forces blend into less movable matter, this is the dance of formation, the formation of form.§


Costumes, stage; the curtain lifts upon a multitude of forms, multitude of forms, multitude of form, some shining, others opaque, some dense and others floating, forms clinging to each other, others pushed apart by each other, forms of all sizes; shapes decorate the stage and move with Dancer during the erratic dance of creation spurred on by the constant pulse and occasional impulses that command one dance to become another.§


Settling down into a routine of rotation around the sun as the galaxy rotates around its center, the moon burst forth and began its rotations; round and round and round the Dancer danced. The music became language and the language settled down into an understandable structure; culture began as communications became consistent; the ways and means of being or dharma commenced; the stage was set and the curtain opened to the world of the Gods, who talked with their subjects.§


It was after the sounds came one after another and combined—iaum, m’bium, símhuhm’, íngchau, liieh, língdiu, nifahnya, kajiyu, rehjaing—and the space between them created time, the first two images, then, more, created form and between them was space that the Dancer settled into a deeper meditation; souls were about to be spawned, what wonder; the Gods were the first created and their space became their world, their existence their enterprise; their helpers were spawned in even greater numbers and their space became their world; then in a flash, while all Gods and devas watched in amazement, souls in even greater numbers were created and their space became where they live, mature and become as their creator.§

The pattern was set, the choreography finished for the great extravaganza of time, form, space interacting with iaumiaum—pure consciousness, m’biumiaum—energy, light and love, m’biumsímhuhm’—power of revealment, íngchauliieh—power of concealment, íngchausímhuhm’—pure knowing, língdiumm’bium—mirific energy, língdiumliieh—time, língdiumsimhuhm’—karma, liiehliieh—creativity, aptitude— liiehsímhuhm’—knowledge, nifahnyam’bium—attachment, desire, nifahnyasímhuhm’—shrouded soul, kajiyuliieh—primal nature— kajiyusímhuhm’—intellectual mind, simhuhm’simhuhm’—external ego— rehjaíngliieh—instinctive mind, rehjaíngsímhuhm’—hearing. [The above is describing the emergence of the first 17 of the 36 tattvas. Each tattva is described with the English name and the Tyeif equivalent.]§