Seven Dimensions Of the Mind: A Mystical Map of Existence And Consciousness


Sixth Dimension:
The All-Knowing Body of Light


The sixth dimension is color, sound and vibration as well as subtle forms and beings composed of these elements. The colors of the sixth dimension are unlike colors we have ever seen on the surface of the Earth. They are brighter, yet more subtle, and they mix and mingle. In other words, colors pass into and through each other, creating exquisite varieties of color with form. The beautiful actinic body of light, that pure inner body, exists in the sixth dimension.§

Awareness in the sixth dimension has an all-knowing capacity which is difficult to translate into fourth-dimensional conceptual understanding. Therefore, mystics often have deep sixth-dimensional experiences, but cannot always recall the experience later. This dimension is outside of the normal processes of thought and time, and a prolonged experience may seem to last an entire month, while its actual duration on the physical plane is only two seconds; and such vast experience cannot register within the faculty of time-space memory patterns of the fourth dimension. But from the fourth dimension, the aspirant would intuit later certain aspects of the experience and bring them through to work with and use in his daily life. Extended practice of kaif» and other disciplined contemplative efforts bring more and more awareness of the deeper dimensions into daily perceptions.§

Science has recently discovered the sixth dimension. It tells us that all matter is energy in a grosser form and that even a chair can be reduced to sound and color at a sub-molecular level. And they’re right. A chair on one level sounds like a symphony and looks like a light show. But in the second dimension it is just an ordinary chair. It exists simultaneously in all dimensions and looks different from each.§


The great saints and sages venerated by men have lived fully and consciously in this rarified mind strata. There are people who once lived in physical bodies and in the fourth dimension and who now live totally in the sixth dimension. It is possible to live without a physical body in this dimension and to still be fully conscious. One lives in his inner body.§

Temple Deities are sixth-dimensional beings. When we visit temples, they actually do hear and see our supplications. Great beings who no longer need a physical body also reside in this dimension.§

If awareness has been well schooled in concentration, it can hold itself placidly in the intensity of the sixth dimension, remaining there to view the interrelated inner forces which construct the inner bodies of man—the actinodic or astral body and the golden actinic body, which is given birth after continued experiences of Self Realization.§

The sixth dimension is a guarded area of the mind, less accessible than other states. The gates to these realms are guarded by fierce and apparently demonic creatures, and entrance is only gained once it is earned. The best way to earn access into the sixth dimension is to come in from the seventh. The best way to gain audience with a king is to be a king yourself. Better not to consciously open the psychic centers of the sixth dimension, but to understand the realm. When the time is right, experience will come of itself. It is far easier anyway to enter the equally blissful seventh dimension by entering simshumbusi» energy in the spine and from there into pure consciousness—kaif». The bliss of the seventh dimension is quite different from that in the sixth.§


The superconscious plane of the sixth dimension is situated at the third eye or ajna chakra. The inner mechanism of the human aura, the inner mechanism of thought forms, the inner mechanism of the astral plane and the superconscious body of light are all within this sixth dimension. The forces and rays of actinic energy, the various breakdowns of magnetic energy, the rays of the actinic force fields radiating out from the seventh dimension, and the rays of the odic magnetic force fields issuing forth from the third and fourth dimensions all come together within the sixth dimension in a tremendous intensity. The sixth dimension is therefore the heart of the generative and regenerative function of intelligence of man, whereas the fifth dimension actually governs all intelligence.§

Before Self Realization has been attained, the sixth dimension can be a fascinating pitfall or an endless involvement for this life. For that reason in earlier years I taught devotees to avoid contacting that dimension and to concentrate fully on their realization. Otherwise, they would have become interested and involved in the same way one can get involved in the astral plane of the third dimension and never get far beyond it other than intellectually. Therefore, I taught disciples to establish themselves firmly in the fourth dimension, touch occasionally into the fifth dimension and then move directly into the very pure seventh. Only after someone was very well stabilized in the nondual experience of Self Realization and a lifestyle of sadhana, then and only then were they allowed to investigate the world of the devas, for then any experience is viewed as merely another aspect of themselves and not a “something else,” a being greater than themselves.§

Now, however, aspirants are stronger in their sadhana. They are able to relate to the devas and individual entities with vast influences while simultaneously holding the advaita principle that nothing exists outside of themselves, and even the Gods, the saints and Deities are nothing more and nothing less than the highest aspects of their own being. An aspirant contacting Deities or communicating with space beings is merely touching into deeper parts of himself that were always there, even when he could not actually make contact. By acquainting himself with the Deities, he is drawing forth those profound qualities which the Deity represents—awakening, from one perspective, those qualities within.§