Seven Dimensions Of the Mind: A Mystical Map of Existence And Consciousness


First Dimension:
The Inside of Objects


The first dimension is the inside of things that you cannot see or touch. The inside of a piece of fruit is the first dimension; the outside or surface of the fruit is the second dimension. The inside of the physical body, the Earth, a tree and a stone—these all lie in the first dimension. To bring the first dimension out, simply open up the fruit. The part that was previously unseen as well as untouched but which is now visible and tangible has been brought into the second dimension.§


It is interesting to note that most of modern science is dedicated to unfolding knowledge of the first dimension, and that within the molecular, atomic and sub-atomic elements of matter the other seven dimensions are discovered. Thus the scientist, by looking into matter, finds the deeper dimensions to the point of reducing matter to energy and energy to sound and light. Further reducing sound and light to consciousness and anti-matter, he verges on the brink of contemplative realization similar to that discovered in deep meditation. Therefore, all dimensions of the mind exist in every cell, every atom in the universe.§


Within the first dimension of the mind, called arehmushum, there are energy flows. Energy in its static state. Energy spinning. Energy lifting, pushing, pulling, rising, falling, attracting, repelling, changing form, filling, emptying, appearing and disappearing. Eighteen forms of energy exist in the first dimension, interacting and causing the phenomena observed in the physical world and studied by science as gravity, momentum, inertia, magnetism, electricity and various forces. We can see these energy flows very readily in nature as we witness, without holding previous concepts, the actions and interactions within plants, within stones, within water, wind and fire.§


One day, decades ago, I had a meditation that took me without notice into the first dimension. Prior to that, I had more or less dismissed it (its only one, and there are six more that are higher, and presumably more important). In this meditation, I was suddenly confronted with how vast the first dimension is. It had such depth and complexity. I realized it is far more significant to the workings of the cosmos than the second dimension, which we can see and touch. In fact, the second dimension is a mere surface, like a cell wall or the skin on our body, beneath which is the real workings of the cell. From that day, I have so appreciated what Gurudeva calls “the inside of things we cannot see and touch.” The inside is far bigger and substantive than the outside. What we don’t see and don’t touch is infinitely larger than what we do.§


“This one is also about transmutation. Whoa! Dissolution. Dissolving…dissolving. As the body fades and the soul merges with Siva, we see the disintegration of the flesh preparing His imminent arrival into the eternal world, merging with Siva. He is awaiting this threshold of light, I feel it... Maybe he’s ready.”§