T IS NOW THAT WE HAVE COMPLETED A MIGHTY HISTORY OF A DEDICATED GROUP WHO LIVED IN SUCH A WAY AS TO FULFILL THE PROPHECIES OF THREE ŚĀSTRAS THAT PRECEDED THIS BOOK OF DISCIPLINE OF ŚAIVA SIDDHĀNTA CHURCH—the Lemurian Śāstras, Dravidian Śāstras and the Śaivite Śāstras. It is with a sense of finitude that with this testimony of creation and reengineering we approach the gates of preservation for all time, the pattern of this sacred text well set within the ākāśic rule books of the soul. As we have seen, there is in that vast memory library of the inner ākāśic mind great stored knowing. Back onto the shelves of Lord Subramaniam’s library the final rendering of these Śaiva Dharma Śāstras goes, for the librarian to show to yet another race evolving in yet another galaxy a safe distance from its Central Sun, perhaps in yet another yuga. At some future time on some planet harboring life as we know it, some great soul will delve into the ākāśic library and bring out these self-same texts for a satguru to read and then mold into the lives of his devotees while explaining, “This is how the ancient ones lived in the most trying of times, souls who kept the light alive, moved and had their being in the shadows of the Kali Yuga as life emerged into the Satśiva Yuga, as told in Lemurian Scrolls and the Śaiva Dharma Śāstras.” §
Jai to The Future§
509 ¶Meanwhile, the present future falls well upon the strong shoulders and within the hearts of the Śaiva āchāryas of the Śaiva Siddhānta Yoga Order, who have been steadfast, unfailing, and upon the swāmīs who are the āchāryas to be. These Śaiva Dharma Śāstras and the Maṭhavāsi Śāstras are the scriptures to which they must adhere and for the existence of which be most grateful. They adhere also to the spirit of the Lemurian Scrolls. Not many gurus on the planet today are so patiently awarding their successors such a clear pattern to follow. These treasures of our paramparā are trustingly dedicated to the āchāryas of today and the āchāryas that follow them to implement now and when my mystic illusion of physical form fades away. §
On Future Changes to These Śāstras§
510 ¶As I stated in the introduction, each paragraph is numbered so that bhāshyas can be written by future guru mahāsannidhānams to explain and interpret the flows given here as times change, for the only rigid rule is wisdom. Up until my grand departure this book is open to my continued additions, changes and clarifications. After my mahāsamādhi, these Śaiva Dharma Śāstras will be considered the final, irrevocable document upon which all future policy-making and interpretation shall be based. All such policy-making shall be done by guru mahāsannidhānams. My kulapatis do not participate in such decisions, but consider it their sacred blessing to carry them out into glorious manifestation. §
Sādhana and Service: Our Dual Emphasis§
511 ¶My successors are commissioned to sustain and implement what has always been the force behind our ministry: religious service, Śivaseva, Śivathondu, karma yoga. This and only this sacred thrust of the Vedas the āchāryas fortify and sustain by their own self-discipline. This and only this they implement by the administration and encouragement of daily sādhana among the swāmīs, yogīs, sādhakas, brahmachārīs and gṛihastha devotees. They know and teach to one and all that without early morning brāhma muhūrta sādhana, Śivathondu cannot be done in the right spirit. Without it, seva is then a chore to be done for the sake of those who may be looking on and might criticize. It is for my successors, the āchāryas of our Śaiva Siddhānta Yoga Order, to alert and encourage, coach and insist on this and the other sādhanas given in this text and our primary works: Dancing, Living and Merging with Śiva.§
Seeking Pure Channels Of Service§
512 ¶This prodding must be imposed upon only those who are time-proven dependable. In this way, by working through psychically clear channels of responsive, joyous, unobstructed souls—both in the gṛihastha communities and in the cloistered monastic communities of the world—and ignoring the others through a friendly, firm wall, they prepare for the great energy that is to come. Only in this way will the Śivaseva of the Śaiva āchāryas and of those they minister to be totally selfless, unegofied. My close devotees are, in the eyes of the Gods, the jewels, the precious gems, the foremost among pure channels. They are strengthened by their early morning sādhana, before sunrise, strengthened by their wives, who are not working in the world but staying at home for the benefit of the family, strengthened by their not smoking or philandering in any way. §
The Challenge Faced by Our Missionaries§
513 ¶Our new group of missionary kulapatis and kulamātās have now stepped upon a threshold from where they can do great things for Śaivism in their ongoing search for Śaiva souls, accepting them into their extended families or thrusting them out if they prove insincere. These one-hundred-twenty men and women, who have been with us for decades and more, mobilize themselves into new mission groups, teach the Śaivite Hindu Religion course, promote HINDUISM TODAY and The Master Course trilogy, and use their weeky satsaṅga and their monthly havana as forums to discuss how well they are, each and all, performing this outreach. We will see in the years to come the fulfillment of their dedication. The devonic mentors see into the future and predict that this effort will be outstanding, fulfilling, rewarding, and a new generation of Śaivites will come forth from the wombs of the wives that will make changes in the communities worldwide, spiritual, social, cultural, economic and educational. These of the new generation will be competent to master and reform alien communities, regenerate elders in their dharmic duty, harmonize family life within and beyond their own homes and strengthen spiritual leadership within their community. This charge is a shawl that I wrap around the shoulders of future Śaivites, some yet to be born, others who are now living and will be born again under this same shawl, and so on, well into the future of futures. §
Our Ultimate Purpose Fulfilled§
514 ¶As we joyfully conclude this intricate work, we are reminded of verse 100 of our Śaivite Śāstras: “By the very existence of the Śaiva Siddhānta Yoga Order as a one body, it fulfilled its purpose—as the ṛishi in seclusion, alone in the forest, fulfills his purpose in the world by his very existence on the path, as the Deity by His presence on the planet is His own fulfillment. The order persisted and continues to persist on into the years to come.” This is the vision. The time, the mission and the way have been cleared: first by the inspiring lives of the satgurus of our lineage, then by the revelations of the Lemurian Śāstras, then by the Dravidian Śāstras, then by the Śaivite Śāstras, then by this testimony, this divine edict, the Śaiva Dharma Śāstras, commanding the āchāryas to protect, preserve and perpetuate the patterns given herein generation after generation into the many generations to come. Jai to all the sādhakas. Jai to all the yogīs. Jai to all the swāmīs. Jai to all the āchāryas. Jai to the future of futures. §