Merging with Śiva



imageH.H. Swami Brahmavidyananda Saraswati, Founder and President of Satyananda Ashram, Miami, Florida §

Merging with Siva, Hinduism’s Contemporary Metaphysics is a most valuable and instructive holy book. I strongly recommend it to aspirants, devotees of Lord Siva, all seekers of truth and the Hindu families around the world. Until now, there has been no such presentation-written in such a lucid style. It embodies a solid spiritual point of view that should be studied by all religious-minded people. ¶Merging with Siva is full of instructions on practical sadhana for attaining Siva-Tattva or God Realization. Each and every Hindu family must study the 365 daily lessons with their children to build their character. ¶The lives of Siva Acharyas, the Bhakta and the Nayanars are inspiring and soul-stirring. A study of their lives will make one’s life sublime and holy. Sivaya Subramuniyaswami is a living example of divine wisdom and enlightenment.


imageKaran Singh, Ph.D., Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha); former Indian Ambassador to the US; Chancellor of the Banaras Hindu University and son of Kashmir’s last Maharaja; New Delhi, India§

Sri Sivaya Subramuniyaswami has, over the last few decades, emerged as the most erudite articulator of Saiva scriptures which he has presented through his numerous publications. Basing himself upon classical Saiva texts, he has written extremely valuable commentaries based upon his own spiritual experience which, taken together, provide a unique corpus of creative work in contemporary Hindu studies. His classical books Dancing with Siva, Loving Ganesha and his Master Course of spiritual discourse are among the many treasures that he has bequeathed to the modern world. ¶It is therefore with immense pleasure that I commend his remarkable new work entitled Merging with Siva, presented in the form of one lesson for every day of the year. Clearly articulated and beautifully illustrated, Merging with Siva is a book of practical wisdom and guidance which will be widely welcomed, not only by worshipers of Lord Siva around the world, but also by all others who are interested in Hinduism and the spiritual quest. Sri Sivaya Subramuniyaswami deserves kudos for the pioneering work that he is doing in this field, to which Merging with Siva is his latest contribution.


imagePatricia-Rochelle Diegel, Ph.D, teacher, intuitive healer and consultant on past lives, the human aura and numerology; Las Vegas, Nevada§

There are so many important things in Merging with Siva. My favorites: “The Story of Awareness.” Philosophies are to be experienced step by step. Get acquainted with yourself as Being Awareness! Say to yourself, “I am not the body... I am not the emotions... I am not the thinking mind... I am Pure Awareness!“ “The Search is Within.” Each of the 36 contemporary dharmic principles opened up doors for me. Instead of paying attention to my real purposes in this life. Spreading my energy in too many directions. Try to save “the world” plus all of my relatives, friends, students and clients. This book has given me the knowledge and energy to move further onto my spiritual path.


imageGeorg Feuerstein, Ph.D. Director of the Yoga Research Center; author of The Shambhala Encyclopedia of Yoga, Lower Lake, California§

Merging with Siva demonstrates the good news that sacred scriptures continue to be written for the benefit of spiritual seekers. At the heart of this monumental work are ninety-nine mystical aphorisms together with their commentaries. In the manner of the ancient Vedic seers, both aphorisms and commentaries spontaneously formulated themselves in Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami’s yoga-trained mind many years ago. Building on this revealed wisdom, Merging with Siva expounds in easily assimilated form the highest aspect of the Saiva Siddhanta path to liberation, which is jnana yoga. It consists in recognizing who you truly are–not this limited body-mind but the eternal, blissful Self that is seamlessly merged with Siva. For this recognition to be possible, you must first transmute your body and mind into a pure vessel through diligent yoga practice. This book discloses many secrets about the actual path and the subtle energetic system whose workings must be understood to achieve success in the noble endeavor of self-purification and self-transmutation. This magnificent volume is an empowered communication about wisdom and love, which are the two wings by which the human spirit can raise itself above primal ignorance (avidya) and its many baneful byproducts. There is not a page in this scripture that does not contain profound insights or helpful words of encouragement. Merging with Siva is not merely an indispensable sourcebook for practitioners of Saiva Siddhanta, its timeless wisdom also speaks to spiritual seekers within other traditions. May it open the eyes and hearts of countless individuals.


imageH.H. Swami Chidrupananda Sri Ramakrishna Sarada Sevashram; Point Pedro, Jaffna, Sri Lanka§

The masterpiece book by Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami is really a panacea to all Hindus all over the world. “Religion is realization, it is being and becoming.” –Swami Vivekananda. The world is torn in several directions. Many people are deeply engrossed in worldly pursuits. This book is going to heal many a wound of many people across the universe.


imageMa Jaya Sati Bhagavati Founder and Spiritual Head of Kashi Ashram, spiritual sanctuary for the underprivileged and hospice for the dying; spokesperson on AIDS and other terminal illnesses; Sebastian, Florida§

Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswamiswami guides the chela through life with the profound words “affectionate detachment, life is like the river Ganga, flowing freely or getting stuck on the shores of attachment.” So well put. Jai Sri Gange Ki Jai. ¶The fire, the life energy which rises in the oneness of Siva burns through the seal at the top of the head (which is explained with such simplicity) and that person becomes a jnani. To realize Siva during one’s earthly birth is to find a place in life where the holy can serve the lowest and highest forms of life. One’s heart, mind and soul is in such a merger when taking care of the dying and the poor; it becomes second nature to the liberated, on the path to Siva. When all is dropped away from the soul body, except for the final physical body, there is such a generosity generated toward humankind that there is the ability to serve others while serving Lord Maha Siva, Sadasiva. And for those that humanity has thrown away, my Lord Siva whispers, “There are no throw-away people.” ¶I bow 1,008 times to this truth spoken in Merging with Siva with such conviction, that it could only be written by someone who knows from that great inner samadhi. Gurudeva surely does write as only one could who has tasted the divine nectar of Siva’s ambrosia. His words are simple and straightforward and easy on the heart and eye. ¶My Ashram sings the praises of Lord Siva every day. Your book could not have come at a better time. These writings have been the greatest gift from the Mahadeva. I touch His feet 1,008 times in your name, Gurudeva. Every seeker of God should read these pages and live their lives in accordance to Lord Siva. It is a must for every Hindu. ¶Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami writes so eloquently about the force of brahmacharya that I was brought into bliss. This whole book is a testimony to God, Guru and Siva. My pranams to you, Gurudeva.


imageH.H. Swami Dayananda Saraswati Founder and Spiritual Head of Arsha Vidya Gurukulam in Pennsylvania, Swami Dayananda Ashram in Rishikesh, and Arsha Vidya Ashram Gurukulam in Coimbatore, India§

Going through some of the chapters of this book, I see that the book is an outcome of the author’s life-long dedicated study and spiritual practice. I am sure Merging with Siva will be found a source of Siva’s grace by every devotee of Siva.


imageDr. David Frawley, O.M.D. (Pandit Vamadeva Shastri), Vedacharya, Director of the American Institute of Vedic Studies; author of How I Became a Hindu, Santa Fe, New Mexico§

Merging with Siva is a monumental work, a veritable course book of yogic development in the broadest sense of the term. It maps out all the domains of consciousness and shows us how to develop them in a systematic and harmonious manner. It unfolds the keys to our various bodies, koshas and chakras and how to purify and transform them for the ultimate goal of liberation. Through this complexity the book keeps to a simple, practical language that is accessible to any sincere devotee and helpful on a daily basis in everything that we do. ¶Such a book is quite unique in an age in which this deeper knowledge, if it is given at all, comes out only in fragments. Yogic knowledge in the West has recently been subject to various distortions, getting reduced to physical postures, divorced from any sense of renunciation, caught up in the illusions of the astral plane, and disconnected from its genuine religious and spiritual base. Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami shows what the complete and authentic yoga is, shining his vast light upon the great mountains and seas of inner experience, connecting us with the vast wisdom of the rishis of old. Merging with Siva is an elixir that can cure all the ills of the soul. The book is one of the most important sadhana manuals available and will be welcomed by all those who wish to really connect to their higher Self and experience the Infinite.


imageArthur Pacheco Counselor, healer, astrologer, theosophist, occultist, medium and parapsychologist, lecturer on psychic development, cosmic laws, mediumship and astrology, Honolulu, Hawaii§

In truth, man receives what he is ready to receive at the precise time he is ready to receive it. And it is now, at the time of the release of this great work that the serious researcher can discern how so many of the great schools of thought dealing with spirituality and metaphysics have been leading up to the central themes so beautifully illustrated here. Appropriately enough, it is released now, at the time of the millenium, when many spiritual paths have been trod, and countless books have been penned and read, all leading to the basic realization that Self Realization is the only realization that truly matters. It would seem that the countless paths of spirituality with which we are acquainted, especially in the West, have all been ramifications, offshoots at best, of what here is so clearly described, and which are the basic tenets of Hinduism. Looking into the future, it is to be seen that coming generations will consider this book a landmark, a condensation of what so many books had been trying to convey by supplying bits and pieces of the Truth as they could. And yet it has always been from the East that Western Metaphysics has derived its greatest inspirations, and indeed its very existence. Just as Paramahansa Yogananda’s Autobiography of a Yogi first brought the concept of Self Realization as the ultimate goal of the spiritual path to the attention of a whole generation of Truth-seekers in the West, so also does this book, Merging with Siva, outline that goal and the means to achieve it. It has been said that all things return to the Source, and so it is that in this book Sivaya Subramuniyaswami has brought us back Home again to that Source which we all have been seeking, and which is and always has been, the Self God.


imageH.H. Swami Sastrananda Senior Monk of the Ramakrishna Order, Vivekananda Ashrama, Bangalore, India§

We find in Merging with Siva the teachings of a respected spiritual guide, based on his studies, experiments and experiences in the path of spiritual quest, extending for half a century. Saiva Siddhanta is one of the important schools of philosophy in Hinduism, and the author of the present book is an eminent modern exponent of the same, engaged also in the task of bringing together the Hindus scattered all over outside India, and trying to harmonize their thought and practices. ¶The book deals with holy life, the theme is Siva-oriented and maintains a high level. The language is clear and forceful, the fine printing makes it easy on the eyes. It is bound to attract and also benefit various seekers. ¶Happily the accent is on earnest practice and personal experience, rather than intellectual or sentimental satisfaction. While many may be drawn to reading the book, only those who take to earnest practice will get the true benefit in life. Only those who are earnest about leading a holy life can test the teachings given and testify to their validity in life.


imageKusumita P. Pedersen, Ph.D. Chair of the Department of Religious Studies, St. Francis College, former Executive Director of the Project on Religion and Human Rights; Brooklyn, New York§

Book is too poor a word for this great work by H. H. Sivaya Subramuniyaswami. Such an immense compendium of spiritual knowledge is even more than a “treasury,” it is an entire cosmos: an ordered world where the spiritual seeker can be at home and will find that everything connects to everything else in a vast, harmonious whole. In this cosmos the seeker’s path to the ultimate Goal is clearly charted. ¶The realities pictured here could be described as concentric circles. At the center is the individual seeker, and his or her inner and outer life. The outer life expands to the family, the religious community, the lineage of Saiva Siddhanta epitomized by monistic theism, the Hindu world at large, our whole planet Earth, and beyond to the infinite universe with its many worlds and dimensions. The evolutionary dynamic of these realities and their different levels of consciousness are elucidated by Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami forcefully and practically, yet with all their subtlety, and often with sweetness and humor. The reader will always feel the voice of the Master speaking intimately and directly to him or her, telling the seeker that this is your experience, this is your truth, this is your path. Here we find psychology, ethics, history, theology, esoteric teachings and mystical utterances all arrayed so that everything we need to learn and apply is easily accessible. ¶There is no way to single out parts of the book that are most important or better than others, since Merging with Siva is one organic whole. But as each of us has personal responses to every teaching, I will say that I was deeply compelled by the extraordinary revelation of “The Self God,” which has pride of place in this voluminous work. I also take as especially useful for Western seekers these points: devotion is the indispensable preparation and foundation for all other spiritual practices, and formal worship can be a highly effective way to cultivate a bumper crop of devotion. The surrounding culture and community of a practitioner play a huge part in spiritual progress. In this progress knowledge of the “esoteric” (secret) or “occult” (hidden) is not some strange or forbidden realm, but a natural and inevitable stage in a continuous process of spiritual development. Talk of esoteric matters, however, means almost nothing to those who have no direct experience of them, and so it is actually counterproductive to try to learn about them by reading! The purpose of books is not, in this case, to provide information; the opposite is true: for one who already has knowledge, writings by others confirm it. This is a bracing and timely caution to countless seekers who indulge in mental preoccupation with the occult, or seek experiences outside their natural progression. All the knowledge and instruction that is needed as one embarks on the journey is given with clarity and luminosity in Merging with Siva. ¶Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami brings down from intuitive planes beyond the mind a wealth of spiritual truth, and makes these riches usable by the seeker at whatever stage he or she may be, from the absolute beginner considering how to enter the path to the advanced meditator. It is his synthesis of yoga, and will prove to be a classic not only for disciples of Saiva Siddhanta and all Siva-lovers, but for all Hindus and indeed all spiritual seekers. Our hearts’ deepest gratitude is due for this beautiful, illumining and nourishing gift to humanity.


imageH.H. Sri Sri Swami Pragyan and Founder/Patron of Sai Pragya Dham, Pragya Mission International, Pragya Mitra Pariwar and Pragya Yoga Foundation, New Delhi, India, and Vishwa Mata Gayatri Trust, Delhi, India§

Merging with Siva is a monumental work. Its 365 lessons are the manifestations of what H.H. Gurudeva has himself realized through life long sadhana of this life and his past lives with his Guru’s grace. ¶The book is most relevant today when the world is being shattered by terrorism, violence, loss of moral and ethical values in personal life, conduct and behavior. Merging with Siva would motivate and provoke everyone to think why a person is born, what is or what ought to be the mission of life, how to purify the self by inner devotion, dignity of thought and love toward others. Life is precious. It is a means to achieving realization of the Self within, realization of the Lord, Siva. This is not a myth or pure imagination. It is realizable. Saints and sages have realized it and that is why they advocate for it. Merging with Siva shall guide and give light to all truth seekers.


imageDr. Swamy Satyam Vice Chancellor of the Vedic University of America, author on Vedic dharma, Castro Valley, California§

Merging with Siva is the last book in a trilogy. Dancing (charya), and Living (kriya) automatically lead to Merging (yoga). Instead of calling it jnanapada, I would like to call it layapada, because laya or merging is the ultimate goal of which jnana is the first step. It is an excellent book – “a complete study for a lifetime, or two or more.” Here is a book for training the soul, the eternal traveler. It fulfills the desire of the Great Child of Siva “to build a bridge between the East and West,... and roar like a lion around the world.” Yes, the Jagadacharya has, sometimes, roared like a lion giving a stern warning to those who are commercializing yoga and other valuable gifts of rishis and making them very cheap. His roar, however, is a vibrant mixture of courage, bravery, straightforwardness, frankness, truthfulness, pain, sympathy, love and sweetness. The book is based on the experiences of the sweet-hearted author who wants to communicate the message of Siva in simplest terms, as a kind father wants to explain the subtlest things of philosophy to his innocent, but devoted, children. I can realize his merciful soul peeping through the words and sentences. One can easily feel him and Him joined in the yoga of love and bhakti and that is why the sentences touch the heart of a reader. No doubt these words have come out from his “inner sky,” that It is Siva Himself speaking through the best conductor. “You do not have to be a saint, sage, philosopher or anything but an ordinary person to experience inner light. This experience makes you an extraordinary person.” How soothing, encouraging and inspiring these words are! This is what we need today, especially for our youth, and that is the specialty of this great book. ¶The presentation and editing of the book is marvelous. The drawings, titles and sub-titles with Sanskrit translations, the headings at the start of paragraphs, the simple messages for different days of the year focusing mainly on improving the practical life and the final conclusion along with “Astral Colors” and the “Song of the Sannyasin” have infused prana into the book and I hope that the book will enliven and enlighten humanity through all generations to come. ”Go thou, the free, from place to place, and help them out of darkness.”


imageArvind Sharma, Ph.D. Birks Professor of Comparative Religion in the Faculty of Religious Studies at McGill University, Montreal, Canada§

For someone who must constantly read a considerable amount of Hinduism professionally, this book possesses three particular virtues: its Saiva dimension, its autobiographical dimension and its philosophical dimension. ¶Any study of Hinduism from within it must be situated somewhere in it (as distinct from the Archimedean point that the academic is perpetually seeking outside it). This book is situated solidly in the Saiva tradition. Many studies of Hinduism, consciously or unconsciously, tend to possess a Vaishnava orientation. This book complements these other studies of Hinduism in a fulfilling way. ¶The author does not hesitate to speak in the first person. This is refreshing, for religious experience underlies religion. This constitutes the second of the two meta-messages of the book: that religion is locational, and that it is personal. ¶The author tries to come to terms with a central issue of not just Hindu but perhaps all philosophy–that of identity and difference–through a discussion of the issue in a Saiva context. This is done in a way which is almost emotionally moving it its rational elegance. ¶The inclusion of Swami Vivekananda’s “Song of the Sannyasin” is a specially wonderful gift to the reader, like the author’s introduction and Resource entitled “There Can Be Only One Final Conclusion.” The perusal of this book can also only lead to one final conclusion: that Hindus, too, have been to the mountaintop, that they too have seen the promised land, and that they have also seen that there are many paths leading to the promised land.


imageH.H. Srimat Shuddhananda Brahmachari, Founder of the Lokenath Divine Life Mission in India and the Lokenath Divine Life Fellowship in the US§

In Merging with Siva, Hinduism’s Contemporary Metaphysics the relentless crusader in the global Renaissance movement of Hinduism, H.H. Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami, shares his most precious spiritual insights with the whole human family. This book offers much more than illuminating reading. Daily practice of its lessons has the power to elevate each reader to the heights of perfection which are already there, embedded in the soul. Subramuniyaswamiji distills the most ancient religion in simple language, making it available and understandable to seekers of all faiths. He transcends the limitations of dogma. Merging with Siva is a powerful treasure. It flows with living revelation from the heart of one who has spent his entire life practicing what he teaches, into the heart of every sincere reader. May Lord Siva inspire one and all for the widest circulation possible of this incredible book on the science of life. Om Shanti.


imageMahesh Mehta, Ph.D. Professor of Religions and Philosophy, Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, University of Windsor, Canada §

Merging with Siva, following Dancing with Siva and Living with Siva, is the epitome of Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami’s inward realizations and wisdom, expressed for the benefit of humanity and especially for followers of Hindu Dharma. Swamiji has presented a lucid exposition of the life divine in its manifold aspects, recognizing and responding to the many doubts and queries that spiritual aspirants are beset with. It is a veritable compendium, teaching about the soul’s gradual evolution into a perfect state of full absorption into Siva (Sivavilaya). The program of daily spiritual contemplation and living is systematically laid out in a practical way, enabling seekers to cultivate their sadhana. Swamiji has revealed a vast fund of knowledge of Hindu philosophy and yoga psychology and spirituality, mainly on the basis of the southern school of Saiva Siddhanta, of which Swamiji is a living acharya. The entire trilogy seems to be Swamiji’s personal offering to Parasiva, his dear Lord!


imageH.H. Svami Yogananda Giri Founder and Spiritual Head of Unione Induista Italiana,Sanatana Dharma Samgha, Gitananda Ashram,Carcare, Italy§

To even try in some way to give a definition of the great work of Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami is a harder task than climbing Mount Kailasa. It’s with great wonder and respect that we admire the effects of his magnificent work which nowadays is of extreme importance for the diffusion and the coming together of Hindu culture and religion, and of Saiva Siddhanta in particular. His work is indeed concrete and not simply abstract. His deep knowledge and realization can be perceived in all his works, in his words and actions. Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami is a true blessing for the whole of humanity and above all, for the Hindu world which has welcomed in its heart such a great soul. Merging with Siva is an extraordinary guide in every aspect of Hindu spirituality and its omniscient metaphysics. In this book, as in his life, Gurudeva takes the devotee’s hand and guides him to the highest peaks of realization. Merging with Siva is a work of fundamental importance and is essential for every devotee. Each written word is a flow of blessings for all of us. May everyone take delight in the joy of reading it. Om Tat Sat.


imageSwami Mayatitananda Spiritual Head of the Wise Earth Monastery in Candler, North Carolina, and the Mother Om Mission, Guyana, South America. §

I find the lessons to be simple to use and filled with Divine light and grace. Pujya Swamiji’s Merging with Siva is divinely inspired and an imperative lesson book for all in quest of a conscious life and inner freedom. This book provides the clear and trenchant means to help spiritual aspirants walk the path of simplicity and consciousness by adhering to and following Hindu Dharma.


imageSri Shambhavananda Yogi, Founder and President of Shoshoni Yoga Retreat and Shambhava School of Yoga, author of Spontaneous Recognition, El Dorado Springs, Colorado§

Packed with gems of wisdom, if this book were a jewel it would be a crown. The pages of Merging with Siva unfold with practical application of the divine inspiration of ancient sages and seers. Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami gives in concise detail methods of yoga and meditation understood by saints but rarely explained. The friendly and engaging text is useful for the novice as well as advanced practitioner. One can read the book from front to back, back to front or opened and read in sections. There is so much content in these pages that any one of the week-long lessons can be a sublime sadhana.§