Living with Śiva

Set Five

Visualize bright royal blue for peace of mind.§

image 13. Move the upper body forward, inhale, arch the back slowly and extend the arms until straight, in the cobra pose, bhujaṅgāsana, भुजङ्गसन. Hold the pose for two or three breaths, then lower the torso gracefully, one vertebrae at a time starting at the base of the spine.§

image 14. Bring the legs up, reach back and clasp the ankles. Inhale as you pull the legs up and raise the head and upper body into the bow pose, dhanurāsana, धनुरासन. Look up and back. Hold for two or three rounds of breathing. Visualize royal blue. Exhale as you release the legs and lower to the full prone position.§

image 15. Rise into a kneeling position, buttocks on the ankles, and lower the upper body to the floor, in the pañchāṅga praṇāmāsana, पञ्चाङ्गप्रणामासन, “five-limb prostration,” forehead touching the floor, arms forward, palms down.§